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Gluten intolerance and intolerance to milk and peanuts

Milind profile image
11 Replies

Hi, I wish to know your experince-based views about the connection between Gluten intolerance and intolerance to milk and peanuts. Overeating peanuts has upset my stomach and also disturbed my sleep. Milk (except in very small quantity in coffee) makes my tummy bloated. What are your experiences?

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Milind profile image
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11 Replies
meanioni profile image

1) There is an established medical linkage between coeliac disease and milk allergy in some people. A Swedish study found that 50% of coeliacs who had milk introduced into their gut had a "coeliac like reaction" - the patients felt nothing. Although this has not been repeated/followed up it was fairly conclusive.

2) This is independent of those coeliacs who, shortly after giving up gluten will find they have a reaction to lactose as the projections in the intestine have become damaged - particularly those areas that produce an enzyme - lactase which dissolves the sugar in milk.

The first I mentioned is permanent, the second is temporary and many coeliacs report less lactose sensitivity within a year.

3) The way that those with food-sensitive immune systems' works is that they tend to possess a gene which makes them more susceptible to an allergen. If they have such a susceptibility, consuming a trigger food repeatedly can create an immune reaction and increases the risk of a leaky gut as the gut becomes damaged. In this situation, it is more likely that other food components can cross the gut-blood barrier and this increases the risk of allergies arising to other foods.

Therefore if you have one food-related immune reaction, the chances of you having others is higher, and indeed it is not unusual for sufferers to have multiple allergies.

So a long answer to a short question - but the answer is that it is not unusual for people with immune-related food illnesses to have multiple reactions, particularly to common foods.

I myself am a coeliac with a severe intolerance to milk and mild intolerance to peanuts.

Having said all that given 1) and 3) above, I would not recommend any coeliac to go near milk.

You should also be aware that fresh papaya and pineapple contain an enzyme which also is aggressive to the gut and so its not recommended to consume on an empty stomach as it increases the chance of leaky gut with those who are vulnerable.

Milind profile image
Milind in reply to meanioni

Thank you so much Mianioni. That was very helpful and painstaking on your part. Best.

meanioni profile image
meanioni in reply to meanioni

To add further to this its worth understanding the difference between an intolerance an allergy and an autoimmune disease.

In an allergy, the trigger substance creates an immune response - the body's immune system treats the substance is it would an invading bacteria. The symptoms most visible are as a result of the body's reaction to this. Allergies are usually very rapid in response and a good way to test is to rub some of the product onto your face/lips - if they swell/get a rash its a sign that you have an allergy. Strongly advisable to get medical input if this is the case as allergies tend to be a one-way street and will get more severe with time and repeated exposure. If you continue to consume the same trigger substance, it will get worse, so you MUST stop consuming it.

In an autoimmune disease, such as coeliac disease, in the presence of a trigger substance (in coeliac's case - gluten) it triggers an immune reaction and the body attacks itself. This is what makes coeliac disease so dangerous longer term as repeated exposure to gluten will usually result in more permanent damage and increase the risk of malnutrition and bowel cancer. Again, you must stop consuming coeliac to prevent risk of longer-term damage.

With an intolerance, the body has a reaction to the trigger (in many cases it can be similar to an allergy, except it will not cause a reaction on the skin if you rub it on your cheek/lips). With intolerances, if you take time away from the trigger food and then try again in small amounts, you will probably be able to tolerate some of the food - if you consume more it will trigger an intolerance reaction.

Finally, as a general rule, it is worth limiting foods which contain naturally high levels of histamine as these will potentiate a reaction in the event that you do consume something which gives an immune response (to which your body may produce histamine itself - so consuming more increases the levels in your body). Such foods include tinned fish, preserved sausages, cheeses, wine and sauerkraut.

This may account for situations where one week you eat something and have a limited reaction, the next you may get a more severe reaction (as the histamine levels are up in your body).

Airyn profile image
Airyn in reply to meanioni

That's interesting to read. 

I have never had an issue with milk, I have a lot of it, mostly in mochas and milkshakes that I make in my blender, which I have for lunch every day.

however the other day I had a horrible reaction to peanuts from the The Co-Operative Food, their own brand. I have never had a peanut reaction before.

I have had issues with pineapples, especially pineapple juice (I only ever have this in French Martini) first I thought it was the alcohol but then I bought a pineapple for my blender and same reaction. 

I also have a full on gluten reaction to bananas which as I understand it have a similar lecithin as gluten that being said i have yet to have any issue with Soya, or Soya lecithins. which considering they are grown usually in crop rotation with wheat, transported in the same trucks and processed in the same factories maybe I have been lucky! 

The nut thing is new and hasn't manifested with cashew or hazelnuts only peanuts. 

I will need to keep an eye on papaya as I haven't noticed that one and I do like the fruit. mangos I have had issues with, has anyone had any issues with these?

barny profile image

hiya i also cannot have peanuts also eggs make me feel sick milk is ok also strawberrys good luck x

Maryelle profile image

thank you meanioni for the info. I am aware of having an intolerance of most nuts now

but could not understand why, also pulses......

BellaC79 profile image

Hi milind,

I too have the problems you mention. I am coeliac and gluten free for 18months. I too can get only have a little milk in tea other wise my stomach bloats up. The dietician suggested lactose free milk as I didn't test positive for lactose intolerance but I can tolerate this milk in cereal. As for nuts well they are hard to digest so I try and stay away from them too. :0)

Milind profile image
Milind in reply to BellaC79

Thanks Cath_c,

This is very useful. It confirms my hypothesis...

I'm fine with eggs, milk and pulses but all nuts now seem to give me stomach ache. A great shame since I used to love them.

Milind profile image
Milind in reply to

Thanks Jilip.

windymillersue profile image

very interesting. i cant do eggs, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, milk- unless organic, in small amounts. peanuts- small amounts also and numerois other curious things, preservatives, sulphur etc etc ad nauseum .I have malabsorbtion too, osteoporosis and cant tolerate cacium tablets

the M & S info this morning very usuful too- will call in on my next trip to town (I had alreday found someof their mix in sauces v good, ie green thai, korma,- means sometimes i can cook one meal instead of up to 5 different ones for my family)

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