Hi, I was diagnosed a Coeliac back in February and still finding it hard to get my diet right. However I found out today that I have a calcium deficiency and this could be affecting my heart as had an ecg last week and its beating irregular. Has anyone else heard of this before?
Can a Calcium deficiency affect my he... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Can a Calcium deficiency affect my heart rate?

Yes, calcium as well as affecting our bone structure can also cause hypertension and high blood pressure.
The are different types of calcium supplements and the usual ones like calcichew are chalk based and these chalk based molecules are 100.000 times bigger than calcium molecules in dairy products. You can get calcium supplements that are the same molecular size as dairy and it might be worth pursuing this route with your Dr. Because if you take calcichew etc your body only absorbs a fraction of the calcium and your kidneys have to work harder to get rid of this chalk.
It might be worth checking out foods that are high in calcium and please bear in mind that codex wheat available on prescription has chalk calcium added where as foods like sesame seeds are naturally high in absorbable calcium.
Foods that are high in calcium include cheese/dairy
Sesame seeds
Flax seed easier absorbed if ground
Almonds again ground
And lastly try not to worry as stress is the worst thing for your heart,

Eh? "Calcium molecules are 100,000 times bigger..."???? where did you get this information from?
Calcium molecules in supplements are usually calcium carbonate; the body breaks this down at a molecular level just as it does with Calcium in food. The size of the calcium molecule is the same at this point. There is no such thing as "big Calcium"
Calcium supplements are not advisable unless prescribed as deriving Calcium from food is always better. Fish and meat are also good sources and it is usually recommended that consumption is made along with a source of Vitamin C which helps the body absorb the Calcium.
The main concern around Calcium supplements vis a vis heart problems is the risk of calcifying arteries - something I know all too well as my father popped Rennies for years and died subsequently of a heart attack - the post mortem concluded that one of the causes of death was highly calcified arteries.
Calcium carbonate is inorganic chalk and only 5% is easily absorbed by the body and needs to be taken with food and depends on stomach acid for this and the remaining 95% has to be gotten rid of by the body.
If you do a search for calcium carbonate on wikipedia that will confirm that it is common chalk.
The calcium that is best absorbed by our bodies is organic calcium.
Please see:
I have been taking Calcium supplements for decades and my arteries are free and clear. Last year I had open heart surgery to repair a hole in my heart - congenital defect. Doctor's were amazed at how clear my arteries were. Could be because for years now, I have had a gluten and dairy free diet! There is a silver lining to every cloud!
Yes, calcium deficiency can affect your heart rate. It is a good idea to obtain as much calcium from fresh food sources but taking a supplement which is easily digested by the body is also wise as we don't always get the proper nutrition in our daily meals. Try a smoothie made with a protein/vitamin powder and lots of fruits, every day. Vega is the one I use and it helps balance me, no matter what the day brings. Jerry is correct in advising you to lower your stress level, as stress is a major factor in heart disease. Good Luck!
If your calcium level is low please ensure your doctor does not give you an infusion of zolendranic acid. My specialist did on 2 occasions and the results were surprising to say the least. Never again.

17Xs - See your doctor to discuss in full. Many things can cause irregular heartbeats including low iron/ thyroid problems. Calcium is needed for the body especially in Coeliacs yet many people forget that good vitamin D levels are necessary for the body to work well and that Calcium works better when taken with Magnesium. So see your doctor or a registered dietitian to discuss.
Inorganic calcium increases the risk of heart attack by 30%