I bought a large packet of above, checked ingredients all seemed ok!! I ate half the packet (miss piggy).That night really ill, hot cold trots feeling sick and violent stomach cramps which seemed to go on for hours. What could have been in this leathal packet?
Mixed nuts and sultana's (mostly pean... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Mixed nuts and sultana's (mostly peanuts)

Hi Suecee, have a look at the allergen warning box or contact the manufacturer because many mixed dried fruits are dusted with wheat flour to stop them sticking together and some dust the conveyor belts with flour, again to stop the fruits sticking.
And I hope that you feel better soon.

Thanks Jerry, i have just phoned the co-op and spoke to a woman who said in parrot like fashion, '' if it doesn't say on the packet it doesn't contain it" she wasn't really interested in what i had to say!!
Hi Suecee
I had the same experience a few months ago, I was out shopping and I am nearly always feeling hungry and knew it was going to be a while before we would get home, so grabbed a bag of mixed fruit and nuts from Morrisons thinking that it would starve off my hunger with there being a lot of protein in the nuts. I also had bad stomach ache with them and felt unwell. I looked at the packet and there wasn't anything in the ingredients that I couldn't eat. I threw the rest of them away. In hindsight I might have been better doing what Jerry suggested and contacting Morrisons..
Are you able to eat quantities of peanuts at other times? I find that peanuts in particular and nuts in general make me feel ill, no matter whether they're raw or cooked. I can eat a peanut butter sandwich and feel okay but a quantity of nuts alone makes me feel nauseated about 15 minutes later. This is not a gluten reaction for me.

I am usually ok with salted peanuts, when i start i can't stop eatin them. It did feel as though i had been glutened. It was about three hours after, bloated stomach horrific cramps etc and an utterly drained feeling for two days after. Perhaps it was what Jerry said the dried fruit tossed in flour, don't know but i do know i won't be having them again!!
Like Hollyann I have this reaction to nuts themselves, I just can't seem to tolerate a large amount, a few is fine. They are notoriously difficult to digest.
And notoriously moreish! I wonder if that's why I get ill on nuts themselves (as opposed to nut butters, biscuits with nuts, etc) - because it's hard to eat a sensible amount.
I thought I was very clever when I discovered I could make a very easy gf biscuit with ground almonds, an egg and a little sugar, but if I eat more than one or two (which is inevitable) I feel quite queasy.
It's a real pain in the neck, because nuts are a good, easy-to-find gf snack.
Hi, like some others since becoming GF I can no longer tolerate more than a few nuts without feeling really unwell. I find it a pain too since I've always loved nuts and 2 or 3 brazil nuts just isn't enough for the taste buds but is plenty for my tum.
Sometimes they coat the nuts in vegetable oil and if the oil is derived from wheat it can cause a problem.