Hi All, just wondering, I've been trying to source some certified gluten free cornmeal in the UK. The one packet I bought had in tiny print 'may contain traces of gluten' which I only saw after I'd used it, and I had already had a reaction to it. So I passed it on to non-coeliac friends. I've been looking online and even the so-called 'gluten free' websites state that their gluten free cornmeal is packed in a 'non-gluten free environment'. Well that's nae use!! Any ideas out there? Thanks in advance!
certified gluten free cornmeal in UK? - Gluten Free Guerr...
certified gluten free cornmeal in UK?

avoid...figure out something else to eat...I just had my biopsies last week...so I have only been GF since Friday, but if I have a neg reaction the food is out...period...I have found that I can find information regarding GF items available at my favorite store by googling the store on the internet then looking for the link on their website for GF....the information is out there...if you can't find YOUR particular store, look for ANY store...it will give you a list of safe foods/items...main thing on another stores website is that they will list BRAND NAMES of safe foods...so this is universal....hope this helps....(I have done this, printed out, and shared all I have found with my family who also have been effected and couldn't figure out the problem/Dr's no clue, etc) good luck
If you join the coeliac uk site they have a list of foods that are ok to use.. . coeliac.org.uk/
Thank you to both mitchellbarbara and janie_com. for your various replies. I'm afraid I do not trust coeliac uk site as their listings often contain items that I find disagree with me and would not use. I was rather hoping to find someone who may themselves have sourced certified gluten-free cornmeal in the UK. I'm wondering if it's like trying to source certified gluten free lentils and other pulses. As far as I know the easily available items (from supermarkets) are all packaged in non-gluten free environments to cross-contamination possibilities are quite high. Thanks for your replies anyway.
found some today at a food conference...but before you get all excited minimum order is five tons!
Have you looked at Natco products? natco-online.com/acatalog/R...
I use natco fine cornmeal and have been fine, I am very sensitive. I don't get glutened. Meanioni - I am talking about cornmeal not cornstarch - so bread etc rather than custard. Coarse cornmeal is easy to find but not fine.

Thanks LoisParker! I might give it a go!

Sorry Lois, that will teach me to slow down when I read next time
Would make interesting (but rather lumpy) custard though
used have a gross breakfast cereal fed to me sometimes as a child in India - like hot wet sand.....
If you mean polenta, then Italian/international shops may have something. I found Divella brand in my local Italian and Greek shops, which is gluten free and I think you can get a brand called De Cecco in some places too.