I really do not like the GF bread I've had so far , which has all been bought from supermarkets. I'm wondering if there's any difference when you make it yourself ? Is it less dry ?
Does anyone else find that GF bread f... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Does anyone else find that GF bread from shops is dry and crumbly ..

It depends. Some brands in supermarkets are great - some vary and the next week they can be awful. The knack is not to keep bread in the fridge as well as that can dry it out. I find making my own GF bread is useful but the next day it's as hard as a rock. So do experiment and make your own and compare.
Unfortunately I haven't found any that I like and although I have baked the occasional loaf I still find all the additional stuff like eggs, xanthan gum too much trouble and money for something that is just ok. So now I don't eat any bread and find I don't miss it at all. I never really liked sandwiches even before I was diagnosed.
The DS fresher for longer loaf is not crumbly from Morrisons, or get Glutafin fresh bread on prescription. They can feel a bit sticky but closest to decent bread I have found and you eat straight from packet.
I actually like warburtons which I can make a sandwich, it's the only bread that does not fall to bits, beware though it does hav a lot of air holes at the top which makes the slices tiny an at £2.50 a loaf is very expensive. I have tried to make bread lots of times and have given up.
I asked for the free samples of Ener-g breads on their web page and I found on their packing it suggested heating in the microwave for 20 seconds,I did as the instructions said and the samples where so much better to handle,the dinner roll was really nice and soft and ate it with a burger.
This made me wonder if this method would work with any other gluten free product.
The first bread I ever tried fell apart before I even got it out the packing which was off putting straight away and made me make my own as it worked out cheaper but I just used yeast,I did start to get good at it but stopped and now can't remember what I did to make it good as I didn't eat that much bread after finding gluten made me ill.
Have you tried Genius bread or warbartons those breads so far have been the best I've come across,and if you join their sight on line you may get a sample I know DS sent samples to me when I signed up.
I would love to have a sandwich which is not dry or falls apart and can hold itself together for 1/2 a day -- (bacon and egg sandwiches seem to be a long way away!)
I love 'yes you can bread' more than the others - you can get it in Tesco. All of the family like it. Tried Glutafin fresh bread yesterday which was lovely, but you have to be OK with codex wheat starch, my son has a sore tummy today after trying it yesterday
Www.wheatfreebakery.com I think that's what the website is off hand they do a really nice tiger bread my daughter loves it
Hi I have tried a few loaves and like the genius best. It is nice for butties but make nice crispy toast too.
I really like the Genius seeded loaf, but I keep it in the freezer and toast it. Their seeded rolls are good too, and I've eaten those untoasted (the ultimate test!). I've stopped eating anything with xantham gum and the Genius breads use psillium husk instead.
To those of you who aren't having good results baking bread, can I ask if you're using ordinary recipes or special gf recipes? I haven't tried yet but I'd like to give it a go. I was thinking of trying a recipe from the Gluten Free Girl. She's the master and even she has trouble with gf bread: glutenfreegirl.com/category...
Find a supermarket who stocks Genius GF bread and products, you can use it straight from the packet to make a sandwich and is the best I have found. Failing that you can order some of their products from their website geniusglutenfree.com I have never had much luck with GF flour
Roberts yes you can bread is the closest ive found to wheat bread but my favourite flavour wise is marks and spencers!
I think the problem is that when you buy the 'fresh' bread in the supermarket, it isn't actually very fresh at all. I get my bread on prescription and pick it up from the chemist on the day after it has been baked in the factory and is therefore much fresher.
Another trick is to 'refresh' even the fresh bread by popping it in the toaster on the lowest setting and then propping it up until it cools before making your sandwich. This makes the bread a little more stretchy and much less crumbly. Sandwiches will easily last from about 7am when made to around 2pm before they revert to being crumbly again.
DS Ciabatta rolls really good as well so is Genuis seeded bread. Those three are the best (warburtons). I tend to choose the brown rather than white.
Makes 2 loaves
The recipe states that the bread mix batter rises to double its size in the tin and it most definitely does. After making the mistake once, I never filled the bread tin more than half full ever again.
Thanks for all the answers guys !
Sainsburys own brand free from white bread is the best I have tasted and it is not too dry and stays in one piece. If it does get dry just refresh it in the toaster for about 10 seconds.
I'm a Genius seeded loaf fan personally and like hollyann I freeze it and toast it when I want some....which is only usually a couple of times a month as it (all GF bread) is so heavy and full of added extras.
I really dont like any of them they are all dry crumbly and full of great big holes they make terrible sandwiches they are little and expensive I long for a bit of PROPER bread D ont even like Genius which are probably the most expensive they also have a sweeter taste then real bread Tried making sme but it wasnt really the bother more like cke thn bred I can easily live without cake and biscuit but I would love a bit of toast and jam
I have warburtons bread and rolls - they are nice. All you can do is try them all till you find the one that suits you !
I get Dietary special on prescription. One batch was nearly passed sell by date ( 2 weeks) and was dry rang firm sent me very much later date and was moist very pleasant. Dont make sandwiches just really have open sandwich now mainly. Next order Livewell seeded. As dont get pasta etc., have change bread. Tend to get dietary special seeded brown mostly.
I make GF bread using the recipe on the Gluten Free bread flour Dove packet using a bread machine and it is definitely less dry, it can be used for sandwiches and eaten fresh on the same day. After that I keep it in the fridge as it lasts longer, is a little fragile, then best used for toast. Closest thing to normal bread.