on friday i went to a cafe and had a jacket potatoe with cheese that night i was ill with the trots i had no butter on and carnt think of any thing else it could have been thanks
cheese: on friday i went to a cafe and... - Gluten Free Guerr...

Hi Barny, could it be from cross contamination rather than the meal itself? have you eaten there before , do you know if it is safe?

hi no i hadnt been before but only had a drink was with freinds and they had some thing so i though well i can have a jacket 4 getting the cheese was pr packed have learned lol xxthanks x
Hi Barry, Your problem was most likely caused by ready-grated cheese. If cheese is purchased either pre-sliced or pre-grated, which many eating establishments do - this cheese is coated in wheat flour to keep the pieces of cheese separate. Therefore, when the grated cheese or sliced cheese is added to the potato the customer is ingesting gluten. I would suggest that is the probable cause. If you know that they used cheese from a block then it is most likely from cross-contamination - perhaps from the cheese being cut on a surface where bread is prepared.
ty yea i realized after i was ill that you carnt have the grated cheese grrr thanks for advice xx
I'm in the cheese business and it is usual to use potato starch in grated cheese to keep it loose. I have not heard of wheat flour being used.
The knife - they cut the spud with a bread knife
The work surface - they cut it where they cut the sandwiches or had done so previously
Their hands - they didn't wash their hands first
The cheese - it came pre-grated (although most catering establishments grate their own because it's cheaper) or they grated it onto a surface that had been used for bread.
From experience, even when you think you're ordering GF it's worth pointing out that you're coeliac too, and talking through the cross-contamination issues. It only takes one breadcrumb!
aw thanks to be honist i 4 got to ask so in future will do only been cd 12months so still learning it was the first time have ever been in a cafe since diagnoised so will be carefull in future xx
Hi I've had this very same problem I don't really stick to my gluten free diet if I'm honest I get no symptoms at all if I eat gluten. However if I eat jacket potato or beans I suffer terrible,like I used to.
I asked what the cheese wad coated in and it was potato starch which is fine and was told that the mere mention of the word 'coeliac' triggered certain kitchen rules as the manager is coeliac too.
I told the consultant and he said I just have problems with digesting roughage so in my experience it isn't always because you've been 'glutened'.
roobiedoobie, Hope that you don't mind me interjecting here - but I feel for the sake of health it is important.
If you have been diagnosed with cd then do please think again about sticking to a gluten free diet. Even if you feel unaffected, gluten travels through the body into every organ: your brain, heart and eyes are so very precious and the damage that gluten has the potential to do to all coeliacs can never be undone in the organs.
There are countless references to the damage that eating gluten even occasionally may do to the organs of the body. I too, after first being diagnosed thought I could eat the occasional currant bun without it affecting me but once you study your illness I think it makes you decide not to take even the smallest amount of risk. x
Thank you for your concern, I see the dietician next week they're planning on sending me to some kind of mental health sessions to try to sort me out, I find the whole thing a pain in the rear my consultant is not even remotely helpful he says when I'm hungry eat 2 table spoons of rice he also says I will never recover from my severe anaemia I just wish it'd make me ill again so I can get myself sorted the dietician says I'm a destructive coeliac however aside of the anaemia they say I've not really got much else to worry about health wise at this stage.
Roobiedoobie, I feel for you. My dietition no advice, Gastro no advice apart from failed colostomy after 8mth on emergency list thats anotherstory. April was attempting to get me on little tablet to help I refused that sort of help, also after 10mins Gastro advised gp to refer mental care. Not seen gp for months. Coeliac folk advised Lactose free to give a try. This site will try to guide you, so dont give up. If really depressed then its awkward for you, but all I can say it is difficult to work out what is safe, if I get some discomfort now I just go on safe food again. Not interested in little tabs to help or similar so called brain washing. As discovered food reactions tricky to solve but surely not a mental condition. Stick with it and seek guidance if possible not mental, you need back up of right sort. How come you wont recover from anaemia, surely that is a medical condition, what are they doing for this condition. Rekon more careful advice better, but like I said its tricky. Have the vitamins and electrolytes been checked, if so get copies of results. Stay possitive even if difficult, Im sure help is on the way. Hugs.
yes i do agree with you because i feel so much better no aces and pains i had rough skin on my hands but since gf it has gone so it is best and i have tummy ace with mash too but not other xx
Hi roobiedoobie come off the gluten free diet and avoid gluten altogether which includes the permitted derivatives. I have been diagnosed twice with CD with a remission of 45 years and knowing that one intake of gluten may be harmful I do not agree with scaremongering with other organs of the body being affected other than the gut,( or they would also be tested.) Or after 45years I think I would have been locked up in a laboratory draining gluten from all these organs. What it might do as an autoimmune condition along with flying produce Atrial Fibrilation, (racing heart) where you get put on Warfarin and avoid more foods.
In a Swedish medical study they found that when they introduced milk into the guts of coeliacs, 50% of people had a coeliac-like reaction.
It could be cross-contamination, but I would say its possibly a reaction to the milk.
Damn, I just bought some ready grated cheese..am off to check the package..>>>
hiya pleese dont use it i was told ages ago that it was and i 4 got better to grate your own much safer xxit dosnt always say on pack xx
Hi weee, They coat all ready grated and sliced cheese so that they do not go back together into a ball - they also coat ready sliced meats. Avoid any food that is pre-prepared!
Noted that my extra bad abdominal problems eased after going lactose free. Sufferred 2yrs. Coelia site suggested I try, so Swedish study interesting result.
rice is sometimes coated with wheat flour to stop it sticking, not just grated cheese. Ikea once served gf chips, last time a coeliac staff kitchen worker said the packets in now are gluten coated....the other staff wasnt aware.

Rice is normally bought as a dry product and needs no coating until cooked and then it is simply a case of boiling water (some salt) put in the rice after about 15 minutes check it is soft enough if yes pour into colander and pour boiling water over it to remove the starch. So how & why would you coat a dry product with flour? The mind boggles!
yea have heard that before to some times i am bloated after some of the rice so i try to get the parboiled witch is ok xx
Hi Barney,I agree with Lynxcat its most likely the cheese,you also have to be careful with sultanas,currants etc sometimes they are coated I have been diagnosed Coeliac for 5 yrs now and a few weeks ago I felt ill,knew I had had something I shouldnt it turned out to be Iron tablets I had started taking to see if I could give myself a boost,this reaction was worse than I had ever been,my joints,constipation,ulcers in my mouth and it felt like they were all the way through my body but the depression I had,I couldnt explain to anyone how bad I felt,it scared me, having never suffered with this before I didnt know what to do other than drink plenty of water Someone has since told me that if you gluten yourself after a long time clear the reaction is worse...I will be more careful after this
forgot to say I am now trying Lactose free and I do feel so much better
I bet they used already grated cheese from the packet. There is flour used in the process to stop cheese from sticking together. I have had that problem before and that is what it was. Its a pain but you have to ask if they are using pre packed grated cheese
I can't eat packaged cheese like this either. I thought it was because it probably contains potassium nitrate.