Have you discovered some great celebrity or personal GF mole models? If so who? And do you think it's a good think if stars like 'Russell Crowe' are on GF diets to lose weight? Is any Coeliac PR good PR? Or does it belittle Coeliac Disease and the seriousness of a gf diet for life for coeliacs?
What gluten free role models have you... - Gluten Free Guerr...
What gluten free role models have you discovered?

Novak Djokovic this years Wimbldon winner is a coeliac according to this interview he did.
So in this instance yes he is a very good role model for coeliac and a gluten free diet.
As for celeb's going gf to lose weight this can make the gf diet appear faddy to some, in my opinion. If nothing else it does raise awreness of gluten and what gluten is.

So true Jerry. Only this week whilst trying to book a business meal I had a restaurant manager say..'oh so how sensitive are you? So it's an illness not a choice to be GF then?' they explained they had a lot of fake wheat dodgers saying 'oh no no bread for me...who then scoffed down cake at the ends of meals'...mmm little do these faddy eaters realise what damage their fakery does to true gluten / wheat sensitive people and those with CD.