Genius bread.: I really like the... - Gluten Free Guerr...

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Genius bread.

20 Replies

I really like the Genius bread and i am pleased its on prescription now.

Its a pity we cant get the sliced one though, The sliced one is better for me because i never seem to cut it very well. I usually cut it too thick and i end up eating twice as much. My weight is creeping up as a result.

I think i'll have to go back to one of the other breads.

20 Replies

Bread on prescription. WOW that would be fantastic.


beckyf profile image

well yes - but only if you have a large enough freezer, as you need to get 8 loaves at a time (and order it well in advance - it takes at least a week for the pharmacy to order the stuff, and that's after the doctor has signed the prescription). Hopefully other people are better at sorting it all out than I am, but can't help thinking there must be a better way......

I'm a big fan of Glutafin Select fresh bread, as good as the real thing in my opinion and sliced. I think you can only get it on prescription. Ask them for a sample if you don't want to risk ordering 8 loaves.

in reply to

Hi Roland i have had the glutafin bread . The multigrain one is quite nice . Think it will be back to that one.

Moon profile image

I used to like Genius but it's so fatty (more then 13% fat in the dark loaf) and it made me feel bloated as well as putting on weight. My new favourite bread is Fria, which is quite difficult to get hold of in the UK at the moment. It's a Swedish brand and the breads are really nice. It's sold frozen, in slices so it's really convenient and much, much less fat than Genius and most of breads available in the UK.

in reply to Moon

I didn't know there was so much fat in the Genius. No wonder i put weight on.

in reply to Moon

I have been googling fria bread but as you say there are only a couple of shops have it !

Wendy-j profile image

The only thing I changed in my diet last week was I had genius bread every morning and put on 2lbs :( al stick to no bread from now on x

Moon profile image

I know what you mean Wendy, I cut down on bread for a while because I couldn't find anything I liked. Fria is different, it actually tastes good (which as we all know is NOT a given for gluten free bread)

Fria has a good F.B. page

I don't know if it would help, but perhaps we should all post something on their wall about wanting their breads nationwide? What do you think Jackshanna?

Moon profile image

PS the fat content in gluten free bread is often much higher than in ordinary bread. I don't understand, it's like they try and make it tastier by pouring oil in the dough... Warburtons and M&S g f bread are really fatty too. I didn't used to think about it, but someone pointed it out to me recently and I was pretty chocked

I have commented on it .

FionaGFG profile image

Jacksnanna I've given up on Genius as I can't get into my old jeans any more and I noticed I also put on a lot more weight eating Genius bread. Have you tried the new Sainsbury's bread? If you're not able to get the Fria bread (which is sold in JL Oxford Street and the Scandinavian Kitchen in London) then give that one a whirl. It's pretty low in fat and has seeds in it which give it a nice texture and nutty taste. Toasts well and is even nice for sandwiches. Tesco apparently do a good GF loaf as well although I've not tried that one yet.

PS Check out our blog for more on Warburton's and Fria GF food, we did a few posts on those recently glutenfreeguerrillas.tumblr...

Moon profile image

Jackshanna; that's great. I've done it too, lets hope someone out from the big supermarkets is listening.

FionaGFG; why did you give up on Fria? Did you not like it? I love their breads and try and make a loaf last as long as possible since it's a major trip in to London to buy it.

FionaGFG profile image

Typo alert: Ooops I typed Fria when I meant Genius on the previous post. Have edited it back to what I actually meant to type. I'm afraid the anti-histamines I'm taking this summer are making me a bit slow !

Nope not given up on Fria...need to stock up on it. It's so nice I feel guilty wasting it on a boiled egg so I like to savour it and use it for exciting sandwiches. In fact I picked up some of the seeded frozen rolls from Scandinavian Kitchen yesterday and a friend and I scoffed the lot as we turned them into hot dog rolls and had them with some GF sausages. So if my non-Coeliac friend likes them then that's high praise indeed! Now I think why did I waste them on that I could have created some exciting garlic bread or made a nice healthy roll with jarlsberg, tomatos and salad. What Fria need to do is make jumbo packets! Double the size and more bread in them. Or maybe I need to stop sharing my GF food with non-coeliacs..that could be the problem! Luckily I still have the cinnamon buns to try myself...Mmmm.

PS If anyone else wants Fria bread in their supermarket just email your supermarket's head office. They normally send requests onto the buyers.

beckyf profile image

I have googled Fria - but discovered that it contains gluten free wheat starch, I think this is a problem for us :-( Seems like I will just have to try a bit harder with the baking......

FionaGFG profile image

That's true Beckyf. Sometimes that starch can be harder for newbie Coeliacs to process or some Coeliacs find that they find it hard to process and it doesn't agree with them. The offical line from most Coeliac Societies worldwide is that the starch is highly processed to remove the wheat so it shouldn't cause a problem. Much like the debate on whether to introduce oats into a GF diet it's best done in consultation with your or your child's dietitan / GP for example so you can take blood tests before and after and see if there's any increase in gliadin anti-bodies or coeliac symptoms. Personally I didn't eat any products containing codex wheat starch for 3 years after going GF. I do occassionally now as I like the Fria products yet I try to do so in small batches as I'm conscious that my stomach is still sensitive as it's not totally healed despite being strictly GF. I seem to tolerate them ok.

Moon profile image

From what I understand the Scandinavian countries have much stricter rules in terms of how often a company that bakes with codex wheat starch need to provide lab test proof of that their products are well below 20ppm. Coeliac disease have been recognized, diagnosed and researched for a lot longer in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland than in most countries, including the UK, so I figure these guys know what they're doing. But then again, everything in moderation I guess. I know some coeliacs who eat mostly bread and cakes and not much else, which leads to all sorts of problems including weight problems. Too much of the Genius bread on a daily basis would make anyone pile on the pounds...!

Coeliac_Copper profile image

i loved genius bread at first, thought it tasted really nice and was a much better size than the bread i was getting on prescription. Recently however i've been a bit disappointed, it's very expensive for the sliced loaf and the last 2 times we have got it, even though it had been in date it was covered in mould, and before that i thought the bread had become much more crumbly than it had been before as well as the taste deteriorating.

I did think the last few i had were very crumbly , and had a lot of holes in which made it fall apart when slicing it. It should not have been mouldy if the date was ok . I think i would have taken it back to the shop.

Irene profile image

Jacksnanna/Coeliac_Copper - I was trawling the Genius facebook page recently and there are lots of comments re big holes in their bread. It does seem they are accepting that there are some quality control issues and they're advising people to contact them and then issuing vouchers. I don't like the fact that the onus is on the purchasers to try and get recompense when the product they've purchased is not up to scratch but this does seem to be the way of things. The Warburtons product is so much better in the 'new' variety but they were still charging usual price to customers whilst they sorted out the crumbling bread issue, giving vouchers to those who bothered to complain.

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