Hi, I'm checking if anyone uses nut flours (e.g. almond), and if so, is there a coeliac safe brand you can recommend? My go-to flour source (Freee) don't do nut flours, so any recommendations welcome.
Flour Recommendation - nut flours - Gluten Free Guerr...
Flour Recommendation - nut flours
I just use ground almonds, which shouldn't contain anything else. And I have Dove's farm flour if I need something for a sauce - don't fancy almond flavoured gravy.
Thank you. Is there a specific brand of almonds you use? I've had issue with nuts being cross-contaminated, so super wary.

I sometimes buy organic, certified gluten free chestnut flour from Shipton Mill. It makes great brownies. It has a fairly short shelf life, so I only get it in small quantities.
Excellent. Had not thought of Chestnut. Thank you.

No, I get whatever is in the supermarket, never had any problems at all/
Liz P
Great. Thank you.
Hi Benjamin123.
I use ground almonds (usually Whitworths or supermarket own brand - but always check allergen labelling. Usually label says May contain other nuts, sesame.)
If you want the label to say gluten free there’s a few almond flours on Amazon. I think ‘your health food’ is one brand used before and worked well.
Thank you. That's great. Much appreciated.
Hi Benjamin123,
I get all nuts and flours from RealFoodSource.com - they're brilliant, clearly stating all allergens and much cheaper than supermarkets. I get a big freepost delivery every few months. I don't use nut flour but get their coconut one which is relatively cheap.
Also tastesensationltd.com are great for herbs+spices, clearly stating any allergens and cheaper than supermarket.
Thank you, that is great. Really helpful information.