There’s a lot of information about Gluten, a bit too much for me to get a clear picture.
Where is a good place to start?
There’s a lot of information about Gluten, a bit too much for me to get a clear picture.
Where is a good place to start?
Are you specifically asking in the context of Parkinsons (re. your post title?).
I'd recommend the non-UK sites - and
Videos on YouTube are good. Coeliac/gluten is more complex that GPs and Gastros get or appreciate. I'd recommend this person: Dr Vikki Peterson
If looking at gluten from Parkisons perspective, also useful to look at other food compounds like lectins (gluten is a lectin). Good port of call on YouTube, etc: Dr Gundry
If you suspect you have actual coeliac, as opposed to gluten intolerance or a general issue with gluten, you need to get tested, and you need to keep gluten in your diet until you have been fully tested, as testing will not be effective. If you have coeliac symptoms but negative test results (blood test) still does not mean you don't have coeliac as the blood test is a poor option given various testing parameters (long story....).
Thank you for your help, I am sorry for the delay in my response
In addition to other recommendations.
This is an interesting review with further reading links re Parkinson’s Parkinsonisms and gluten.
Gluten can be one neurotoxin. The health of the gut microbiome is important and intricately linked to glutens effects on the body and brain.. The gut-brain axis is implicated in the mechanism of how gluten effects genetically predisposed.
In terms of disease,
Environment including food environment.(toxin exposure - e.g. chemical. gluten exposure) + genetics = disease (e.g. autoimmune like Coeliac Disease. E.g. Neurodegenerative disease Parkinson’s Alzheimer’s).
There’s a lot been written on gluten as it’s the most researched.
In addition.
There’s other triggers to disease.
Lectins and heavy metals may be implicated.
Vegetable/seed oils high in omega 6 linked to increased inflammation a long with deficiency in omega 3 (fish oil DHA EPA) may be implicated. The body/brain needs omega 3s and monounsaturated fats ( too much polyunsaturated veg oils may displace these fats. Trans fats from processed food may displace healthy fats. Saturated fat is neutral.
High carbohydrate sugar (fructose) diet causing insulin resistance in the brain so the brain has insufficient fuel to run properly. Saturated fats in coconut oil (mct’s medium chain triglycerides) get turned into ketones that are an alternative fuel.
The Dr Mercola website is also a good source. You can search ‘gluten’ and articles are listed. First to start,
In the U.K. the specialist clinicians in Sheffield have published a report on several aspects of the possible effects of gluten. It’s a technical read and, of course, more research is needed. Gluten ataxia is one of the more serious outcomes.