Hi,wonder if you can help,I went out to dinner last night and ordered a gf pasta dish.however I am sure I've been given ordinary pasta,I feel awful ,stomach pain,nausea,bad headache ,feeling fuzzy and very dizzy,is there anything I can do to relieve symptoms.i have eaten small amounts of gluten before. But never such a big hit
Gluten hit: Hi,wonder if you can help,I... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Gluten hit

Hi sdcakt, sounds pretty bad. I don't know if this will help you but a glass of water with a few drops of Apple Cider Vinegar may possibly lessen the impact. I find when I've been glutened (I get the insane itching all over, DH) that sipping glasses of water with small amounts of Apple Cider Vinegar does ease the symptoms a bit. It may be worth a try?
I will get some Apple cider vinegar for use if required. Other week had extra bad reaction to Gluten free Ginger Beer, nausea and vomit plus plus within 30 to 45 mins.
Hi Lexy, about how much APV to water please? My husband has DH also for one year now & not really doing great. In the last week has cut his daily Dapsone to every other day ( 25mg) & his itching is getting worse, he said today that if it does not improve he will go back to 50mg daily. That is the last thing that I want him to do because he has 'lost' his life, unable to work, low energy,mental fuzziness & sleeping 2hrs most days. So I will suggest to him that he tries APV as soon as I know how much to dilute it by. Thank you in advance
Hi there angel1980, firstly, it's not a cure and it may not have any effect at all, but it's worth giving a try! Basically you can do it to taste...depending on your husband's tolerance for vinegar flavour you could start out with a large glass (maybe even pint) with just a few drops of APV added. If he likes/doesn't mind a stronger flavour, then maybe try a tablespoon of APV... Again, it doesn't cure or even remove the symptoms, but I do find it eases them a little bit. But every person is different... I think it's the sipping of it, I use cold water fresh from the tap, but of course you could use bottled, that helps me (and I suppose the fact that I choose to believe that this should be doing me some good!). I truly hope it does provide some relief for your husband, even if only slightly.
Thanks,will give it a go,
Hi Sdcakt, We all respond to gluten differently and sometimes even our usual experiences may change. Like Tony 62 above said many food items deemed suitable for Coeliacs have Codex wheat starch in them and a great number of us have problems with it. Sadly, I think there is probably very little that you may be able to do to alleviate the symptoms other than have plenty of rest and have plenty of either warm or cool drinks whichever you most feel comfortable with.
I had a very nasty experience on Christmas Day with a gluten free Christmas cake. I only had a very thin slice and ended up being violently sick seven times from early evening until in the morning. I found plain water helped me the most with bed rest.
Thank you I hadn't realised that,I ll stick to rice n veg next time I go out,don't want to repeat this experience ,I'm findin lemonade best at the moment,thank you for helping
Thank you I hadn't realised that,I ll stick to rice n veg next time I go out,don't want to repeat this experience ,I'm findin lemonade best at the moment,thank you for helping
Thank you I hadn't realised that,I ll stick to rice n veg next time I go out,don't want to repeat this experience ,I'm findin lemonade best at the moment,thank you for helping
I had a similar experience from a renowned hotel.. I had risotto and I am sure they used water from the one they use for normal pasta...
Since then I stop as much as possible eating out.
Italy is the ONLY country where people are Gluten conscious..that I know.
Hi Costas, just for your, and everyone else's info, Sweden is very gluten aware! I have yet to come across an NHS hospital where the cafe has gluten free salmon and potato bake on offer at their cafe!!! I was well-impressed! The supermarkets are great too with all major chains having a dedicated 'gluten free' aisle. The gluten issue is actually well-known in Sweden and you can google gluten free restaurants, particularly in Stockholm, and you get masses of hits! Just in case you were ever going to travel there!
Inland Spain seems clued up on gluten free (and lactose free). The supermarkets have extensive ranges well-signed (so no squinting at labels). One of the largest supermarket chains is owned by a coeliac family. In restaurants the waiting staff were happy to be involved and McD have GF have signs for sin-gluten bread on the windows. Like Italy, a lot of GF products are made in Spain (eg Procelli in Barcelona).
In Madrid I highly reccommend MERCADONA Supermarkets.. They stock almost everything in GF including cheap beers and salami. Well worth a visit!!