What vitamin supplements does everyone take
Vitamins: What vitamin supplements does... - Gluten Free Guerr...

Hi Essexgirl
I just take vitamin D as a supplement, as it’s difficult to get enough from the sun if you live in any northern countries (like the U.K.).
O6 take vit D and folic acid
I only take Calcium with vitamin D on prescription for osteoporosis. You shouldn't need to take any extra vitamins or supplements if you eat a varied and balanced diet - even as a coeliac. Stick to a GF diet with plenty of fruit and veg and small amounts of protein. Steer well clear of all the supermarket offerings of GF foods as they contain more chemicals than ICI. If you think about it a GF diet is healthier than the national average. Although I must confess to a weakness for GF Jaffa Cakes, I get through about 4 packets a year.
Yh it is true , I don’t buy gf out of supermarkets except onion rings lol but I do eat naturally gf food but was wondering like yourself the calcium or magnesium
Advisable to take magnesium and vit K if you take calcium supplements as the calcium may not absorb and collect in arteries/organs. The prescription calcium also tends to be carbonate not citrate which has poor quality absorption. I use to get precription calcium D3 in chewable form and really dislike the chalky sweet taste/aftertaste - not convinced it's the best quality option. I've also read recently that manganese good for rebuilding bones. Issue with calcium supplementation is that is really seems to do very little on it's own for rebuilding bone - takes weight bearing exercise to get bone strength back. I think we get poor advice for GPs from bad bones related to coeliac and popping calcium/vit D does little on its own.
I'm only on the Calcium & Vitamin D supplement because of osteoporosis caused by 50+ years of undiagnosed Coeliac disease. It is a prescription medicine. I live in the North West, although originally from Hampshire, and I don't have a problem with normal levels of Vit D. I only have the supplement because it helps the absorption of calcium. As long as you're not a troglodyte or a vampire and get outdoors as much as you can, you should be OK. You also get it in oily fish, eggs and mushrooms. Mind you, even australians have a rising incidence of Vit D deficiency as they cover themselves in so much sunscreen they block out all the UV which is what you need for your body to create it's own Vit D. As for magnesium, there shouldn't be any worries either. It's found in dark chocolate, legumes (peas, bean, lentils and suchlike) also seeds, nuts, whole grains and some oily fish. So eat well and don't bother pushing yourself into penury buying loads of expensive supplements you don't need. If you do need them your GP will prescribe them.
Ok thankyou
D (liquid, H&B), C (Solgar) and Calcium citrate (Solgard), Magnesium citrate (Solgar) and K3 (can remember brand).
Would only recommend supplements if you are low in specific nutrients or can't eat certain foods (like dairy). Food sourced vitamins/minerals are better absorbed and assimilated than supplements.

Hi .. I’m a Coeliac so I do lack in some
Ones to supplement for fact I can't have milk/milk products. Also take vitamin C as I don't eat any fruit (long story.....). I use to drink a lot of soy milk for my calcium but had blood test that showed my B12 levels were too high - the soy milk was fortified and I had been taking a multivitamin also, so be careful if you are supplmenting and eating/drinking products that are also fortified. I'm not a big fan of pill popping and learned that nut butters (if you find gluten free safe one) are very good for certain vitamins and minerals, and quite good for calorie/protein source. I think, depending on your requirements and current diet, if you feel you are low on vits/minerals, then a good quality multivitamin for a while should do the job (just be careful of ones that have hidden sneaky glutens e.g. starch fillers, dextrose, etc.).