16 months ago I got very ill.. I had been taking Lansoprazole for a while as I apparently had excess stomach acid. About a month later I was bowled over every morning with either diarrhoea and the worst stomach cramps imaginable, sweating profusely and on multiple occasions passing out due to overheating and pain. After cutting gluten I realised it was this making me so poorly. 6 months later I finally get my endoscopy which confirmed my thought of coeliac disease and carried on still taking my Lansoprazole as the doctors knew best right?
Last week I got ultra sounds on my pelvis and abdomen and have been patiently waiting for the results and the blood tests results which I went for last week. Rang my GP yesterday to see if everything has arrived was told from the receptionist “yes everything here, we will call tomorrow to talk through with you”.
The results weren’t there apparently is what I was told today it must have been a computer error..
My GP has just told me that I was never meant to be taking Lansoprazole and to stop immediately.. baring in mind I’ve been taking it well over a year. Then finding studies that it can also trigger coeliac diesease.. I now have this for life, where do I go forward with this? They did this to me. Any help is massively appreciated.
I’ve lost a year of my life being incredibly sick, still not even at 80% health now! But thank god today was the last day of taking the Lansoprazole.