Hi..Im wondering if after eating gluten by mistake can pain be caused in the legs etc? I kniw about the headaches but I'm winding about the pain elsewhere especially in the legs. Any replies would b much appreciated 🙂
Pain : Hi..Im wondering if after eating... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Yes it can, since the tissues that those gluten autoantibodies are attacking can be found everywhere in the body.
It can also be caused by secondary issues, like DAO deficiency, where histamine overload causes histamines to attack the tissues of bones. Or nerves. Or whatever.. But the pain is nonetheless awful.
I think this is because both gluten autoantibodies and histamine causes inflammations in different areas. If inflammation is caused in tissues near the bones, then it hurts.
With histamine the theory is that the inflammation in bones will flush out the antigens quicker, it's probably the same with transglutaminase autoantibodies.
Thanks for your reply Suit. It made so much sense and I've learnt quite alot from it..

Yes, I have the same issue, pain everywhere. It feels soothing to know that the pain is caused by inflammation that the immune system is creating, in my case caused by both antibodies due to wheat and gluten and a histamine overload due to food.
It kind of becomes less scary to know the process behind the pain, and to understand it's place.
Try taking 2 turmeric with black pepper capsules after every meal. I get mine via Amazon from Troo Healthcare. It's a natural anti-inflammatory remedy, does the job, and is much safer than paracetamol, which your doctor might prescribe, despite its being a known toxin.
Doctors tend to prescribe drugs that are patented and produced by the pharmaceutical industry. Since turmeric is a natural spice that has been used for thousands of years, the industry cannot patent it, do not produce it and your doctor will not prescribe it.
N.B. Turmeric and black pepper also works for inflammation of the brain, which is the cause of many of the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, which could itself be mistaken for gluten intolerance. For the record, the active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin and the role of black pepper is to increase (dramatically) its absorption by the gut.