Hi guys I'm celiac in the UK and diagnosed for 9 years. When travelling in europe I've started to eat gluten and found it had no affects. This was the case in both Poland and Germany, when I'm in France I'm going to try it there too. Has anyone else had the same experience as me?
Eating gluten in europe: Hi guys I'm... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Eating gluten in europe

Hi. Just because you aren't experiencing any symptoms from eating gluten doesn't mean there isn't any damage being done. Gf food is our medication!
Surly Gluten is Gluten in any country? I would be really careful as you could be setting urself up for a fall.
Also no symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean the damage isn’t being done .
On the upside wouldn’t it be great if this were true . Have you googled GF and coeliac in these countries ?
I find this too! Have been to Spain, France and Italy and all the same! Can eat yummy cake, pizza, bread etc! I do still get the rash though but that’s it for side effects!
If someone is coeliac it doesn't matter how their gluten is cooked, the gluten will cause damage to their intestines which will take months to heal.
I think you are experiencing something called silent coeliac disease, where you are having no noticeable symptoms, but you're still going to be causing damage to your gut. You might go on holiday only once a year, but it'll take you the rest of the year for the villi in your gut to heal again, and in the meantime you'll be unable to absorb key nutrients from your foods. It might seem worth it to you now, but it won't seem so worth it when you develop the longer term health problems as a result.
There is nothing special about the gluten in these countries, these countries still have plenty residents who suffer coeliac disease, and many coeliac sufferers from the UK still suffer when they get glutened visiting them.
I think it would be interesting to research people of a certain age who were brought up on the Chorleywood bread process to figure out the prevalence of gut issues in this group. Anecdotal, but me and both siblings are affected, so is my sister in law in and my daughter in law's mum. All people in that age group.
See if you can find out the amount off chemical residue in the bread that effects you and the bread that doesn't .
With celiacs it not about the showing effects it the non showing ones u have to worry about. U have a auto immune desease , every bit of gluten is destroying ur kidneys, stomach lining. Stomach and liver and ur prob start getting sick ie colds and flu.
As libby say gluten free food is ur medication.
I am gluten intolerant so i have no auto immune desease it just makes me sick as soon as i eat it... literally 5 mins and im in toilet but it wont hurt me internally.
So NO U SHOULD NEVER EAT GLUTEN.... in any country and ur find most european countries are better then uk at catering for it ... if not stick to meant and veg or chips! Simple

Mathri and Dang. Your content is being removed as it adds nothing to the discussion and has evolved into a personal disagreement between the two on information that is wide of the mark in discussion of Coeliac Disease which is an autoimmune disease.
If someone has been diagnosed wirh Coeliac Disease then the 'medicine' is to stay completely away from digesting gluten. Views on the impact of phone masts, radio waves etc on CD is not up for discussion here.
As others have said your gf food is your medicine, some people may have no side effects after eatimg gluten but the damage is still occurring inside our bodies also like coope27 stated the long term damage also to the organs of the body and not to mention lymphona cancer, frightening really but we are put on this foods for a reason. Good luck.
Recent studies have shown gluten intolerance is sometimes linked to excessive use of pesticides -food that is toxic in the USA is often very different in countries that are not subscribed to whoesale profiteering practices promoted by Monsanto and Dupont -