Hi everyone, I wrote a petition about contamination of gluten free food with gluten in restaurants where food is not made in controlled environments. Please read and if you agree with me, please sign and share it so we can get the issue debated in parliament. THANK YOU
Petition about contamination of glute... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Petition about contamination of gluten free food in restaurants - please sign!

I've signed it and sent to a couple of others too!
I hope at the very least restaurants will maybe choose different wording - one chain has a "non-gluten containing ingredients" menu, as it's not gluten free, and another doesn't offer a gluten free menu due to cross contamination, but will help you select items that don't contain gluten if you're just making a dietary choice.
I understand your concern over cross contamination in restaraunts, but I’m not sure that the petition will help. If you want restaraunts to have completely separate dedicated preparation areas, this will only be possible for larger places who are willing to give up kitchen space for the benefit of a small number of customers. I would imagine that most places would just stop offering anything “gluten free” at all.
If you want to eat out safely I have found that planning ahead is vital, so I check restaraunts reviews, local groups etc. It’s also important to talk to the staff about my concerns. If the staff are helpful and knowledgable I will eat there, if they appear unclear or uninformed then I will walk away. It’s not going to be foolproof but I’ve been ok so far.
Shame there is only 16 signatures so far, including mine.
I signed - lets hope it achieves something
thanks to all who have signed, please share it with your contacts!
Have shared it with my Facebook friends.hopefully more signatures will follow.
Bad day or not who gives a flying....its our health, no excuse!! Your reply to him did make me chuckle though, hope you are feeling ok now, 😊