I suspect I 'm desperately clutching at straws here, but because I am trying to steel myself to ask for yet another coeliac test, which I fully expect to be negative, and then push for a biopsy I SO do not want to do, I dug out all my old tests to see how many I'd actually had.
I found that I've had three standard tests then, finally one IgG test when I discovered I had partial IgA deficiency. However, I did notice an interesting thing, my negative results were climbing.
My first test was in 2013 and was 0.14, well below a positive result! My second test was a year and a half later and was 0.25. My next test was a month later and was 0.38. The IgG test was very vague and just said I was <1.0, so doesn't really tell me anything, other than it was negative!
But that 0.14 to 0.25 to 0.38 made me wonder, especially as the last test, taken in April 2015, had jumped that much in a month.
Does this have ANY significance, does anyone know? Or is the fact that they are all negative all that matters? Do the tests typically vary like this anyway?
I've recently found myself wondering if my natural disinclination to over-indulge in wheat perhaps led to me having lower results - twice a day is about as much as my body can stand before it gets really poorly and I have to take a break from it - or is this so much horse doodah? I'd be grateful to hear from anyone who knows anything about blood test results as to whether anything useful can be constructed from this. Thanks!