Hi all im gluten free and soya free and normally if i fancy a bit of bread i have newdale warburtons gluten free wraps but im hearing you can get a potato bread, does anyone know where i can try some, bear in mind that i am no nigella or delia as im useless at baking!! Thanks in advance.๐
Gluten free potato bread: Hi all im... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Gluten free potato bread

Hi Rmichelle, all the potato breads that I've seen use potatoes and flour. Most supermarket GF bread mixes use, tapioca starch, rice flour and potato flour.
A really easy way of cooking with potatoes is to grate them first and here's a link to some potato pancakes I put on the Healthy Eating HU site:
Pancakes are a good alternative to bread and are quick and easy to make, I've also made them with just mashed banana and an egg... ๐

Jerry thankyou i cant remember where i read about potato bread but itoo had a look in asda yesterday and all i can find is ones with wheat in.
That recipe is so easy and i am going to do that this dinnertime, it looks very tasty- even my 12 year old daughter will eat that. Thankyou.๐
Used to get it from Wellfoods but they have stopped supplying the general public, they only supply restaurants now, unfortunately.
Well if you ever fancy a burger and fries, TJI Fridays uses Wellfoods burger buns on there GF burgers and they are lovely. I used to get them on prescription.
Are you new to gluten free? You could also try Socca bread..just made from chickpea flour (gram flour) with just water and a bit of olive oil and salt.
Makes a savoury flat bread. Can put a few chilli flakes, or garlic in to ring the changes. Google it. Easy to make, fry batter in a bit of olive oil and you can leave the batter in the fridge for days and just fry it up each day.
Good luck, anyway. x
Yes i have been gf for around 4 months now and not finding it too difficult, very aware of cross contamination and hubby is aware, i have my own pot and pan and plate. Ha. Eating is abut of a nightmare and tend to just eat at one restaurant or if we are out and about i will have a cuppa and a gluten free muffin etc.
Im not much of a baker so easier the better but i am eating good food meat veg pitaties etc and do have the ready meals but try to keep to a minium.x
Yes, eating out is a nightmare -
Carlucchio's are good for gluten free if you like pasta etc. They do gf pasta dishes or adapt and keep gf bread for their soups which are gf. Also Jamie Olivers cater very well.
Best place to eat out I have found is Ireland..boy do they understand and cater everywhere for coeliacs. They seem to make as much normal food gf as possible and all the supermarkets sell much more gf choice than England (sorry don't know where you are from)
Even Lidl and Aldi sell gf bread, their own make at just over ยฃ1 a loaf..Been on to Lidl and asked why is it not available here..told 'No call for it'..grrr.
Forgot to say im surprised that tji fridays do burgers gf but what about the bun and cross contamination?
They cook everything in a separate part of the kitchen and it is supervised to make sure there is no cross contamination.
The manager comes and takes your order separately to the other diners and they watch it like a hawk. I am supersensitive and never have a problem.
If your not up to baking and fancy a few slices of bread try kelvin sourdough bread from Tesco. Good for toasting, sandwiches etc I am totally gluten free and allergic to gf bread products that contain E464, Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, hypromellose and cellulosederivatives.
My favourite is M & S Sourdough Loaf. My family all like it. Delicious toasted. In fact I read that all Gluten Free bread is better toasted. If I make a sandwich to take out with me I always pop the bread in the toaster and it tastes good cold.
I recently had a weekend in Paris. I googled Gluten free places to eat before I went and checked locations on a map. Then booked a guest house near a cluster of GF restaurants. We had a brilliant break and I didn't feel I was missing out on yummy french pastries. A favourite was "Yummy and guiltfree" near Notre Dame - everything is Gluten free.
Sounds fantastic, maybe something for the summer, i think you have hit the nail on the head there bmthbelle its all about forward planning and checking whats around you, its takes the hassle out of being there and trying to locate good educated eateries/restaurants you can eat at, i think my problem is i still trust very few people with cross contamination issues-sort of dreading my boxing day dinner at in laws as mum in law is no gf friendly even though i have told her donts and i cant eat some of the things she has brought!! Eeks๐จ
I have similar problem with in laws
I have invited them to me this Boxing Day. They will see me having roast with GF gravy, stuffing, Yorkshire puds and be even more confused as to why I refuse all their food eating dry meat and veg. They even cook roast potatoes with flour.
Oh yes i can relate to that-its a nightmare and they think you are being really fussy, my mum in law got a big piece of gammon for us but it was one of them pre packed frozen ones but i cant eat it has i pointed out it has barley in- she said "but thats barley not wheat" i give up.xx merry christmas and stay healthy and not glutenised!!