Gluten Free & Paleo: Hi Im in a bit of... - Gluten Free Guerr...

Gluten Free Guerrillas

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Gluten Free & Paleo

CarolineLondon profile image
20 Replies


Im in a bit of a stitch, two days ago I started a Gluten free diet, last night I made Spag Bol and used Gluten free Pasta this morning I have woken with extreme stomach pain like someone punched me!

My BF is on the Paleo diet, which doesn't allow alot of pluses, grains, is gluten free, but does allow Fruit, Veg, Meat and some Diary I think. So now Im trying to get my head round that.

Anyway my problem is this the 'Gluten Free' stuff looks rubbish and seems unappetitising, I got some bread and I can't even begin to describe how aweful that is. So I bought some wheat free flour to make bread and now Im scared to use it, this pain is killing!

Another problem just in case you have a solution or you're experiencing the same thing is the Paleo diet is all over things like Almond, Cinammon, certain seeds, there seems to be a whole raft of stuff they use as substitutes for usual flavour, raising, baking agents, I simply cant stand the taste of.....e I like coconut but Im pretty sure that if I keep putting it in everything I eat, Im going to right off it!

Oh this site Im also part of the depression forum and Im afraid that all this is going to drag me down. Sure I'll lose weight because Ill be too frightened to bloody eat!

Another NON Paleo is porriage but Im not ready to give that up just yet.

Honestly I feel like having a good cry, all my fun food has been taken off me, never mind the stuff in the cupboard, I can now no longer eat!

Less of Gluten Guerilla more of a food whimp. Maybe I should give up food for :-(


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CarolineLondon profile image
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20 Replies
freelancer profile image


I'm gluten free and sort of paleo – I read the books; I bought the coconut oil – though I eat a lot of beans and pulses (and the odd bit of rice and polenta) so am not in any way technically strict. I didn't set out to follow a diet but have found I just felt better that way. Food can have a massive effect on your general wellbeing and if you're depressed it's probably doubly important to keep eating well. But a very sudden change of diet can be hard on your body so you feel worse during the switchover period.

I suppose it depends why you're doing it - whether you are gluten-sensitive/coeliac or just think it's generally healthier: if you have reactions to gluten it's really important to get properly tested for coeliac disease before you go too far down the gluten-free path.

I think a lot of people going gluten-free would identify with the feeling that the fun food had been taken away, but after a bit it doesn't feel as bad. I used to eat loads of junk and (mostly) don't really miss it now – and I always found people who said things like that really irritating. But it took a while to get there.

I think it's quite important not to feel that you have to follow a set of rules, but work out what works best for you. The stress of trying to achieve some kind of perfection is probably worse for you than eating less good food!

Penel profile image

Hi Caroline

Sorry to hear you are having a tough time. As Freelancer says, having a big change in what you eat can have emotional and physical effects on you. If you have been diagnosed with coeliac disease it can come as a big shock and you can almost feel that you need to go into mourning for the loss of your old "favourites". But, hopefully, once you get your food right you will begin to feel the benefits of avoiding gluten, and you can find some new fun stuff. Perhaps try some courgette 'ribbons' instead of pasta with your Spag Bol.

Many people on here do not eat the supermarket "gluten free" foods, because of the processed nature of the food, the additives and the fact that many contain a suppositively safe low level of gluten/wheat. Have a look on the Coeliac Uk website for "codex wheat" and general information on eliminating gluten.

I have also moved towards a vaguely Paleo diet, but it is a bit too restrictive for me, as I can tolerate dairy and find it a useful food.

I have found this site has some useful advice, although I still eat the occasional cake!

Good luck with sorting yourself out.

Karen77 profile image
Karen77 in reply toPenel

Sounds more like you're following the Primal Blueprint (, which allows for dairy. There's also The Perfect Health Diet ( which is mostly paleo but includes "safe starches" like white rice and potatoes. They, as well as Wheat Belly and Grain Brain, all agree that ALL grains, including most gluten-free grains, should be avoided. Gluten-free processed foods can be worse for the average person (incl non-coeliacs) than regular gluten-containing foods, particularly when it comes to insulin spikes. In the end, I think you need to eat your "cleanest" in a way that works for you. No need to give up dairy if it doesn't bother you, but there are lots of cross-reactive foods (ie your body treats them like gluten), and coeliacs often also have dairy intolerances. I think it's important to know possiblee triggers to make informed choices while eating, but don't restrict yourself unecessarily. :)

Drina profile image

Hi Caroline

If you have ibs the paleo diet is not a solution. I tried paleo......and my tummy doubled in size with bloating. Avoiding gluten is not enough either......certain veg and fruit.....and even soya.....are killers. My best solution is the FODMAP diet. It may seem restrictive but you get used to it and now I'm finally enjoying food again. I'm indulging in bbq chicken, fish, baked veg, gluten free pasta and name it.

louiseglad profile image
louiseglad in reply toDrina

Hi I'm gluten intolerant & alps follow low FODMAP diet, although restrictive have never felt better. Brain fog, slurred speech, painful joints, chronic constipation, bloating, stomach pains - all relieved!

Karen77 profile image
Karen77 in reply toDrina

If FODMAP isn't enough, there's also the paleo autoimmune protocol (,,

Mike52 profile image

Hi, just a thought bid something non gf get into your meal. Check things like sauces as some can have wheat used as a thickener the number of things I have found with gluten in neat her ceases to amaze me. Hope things get better for you soon

Karen77 profile image
Karen77 in reply toMike52

Mike, loved the auto correct :) think I got the gyst and you're right. For example, caramel and "natural flavours/colours" can be hidden sources of wheat.

DartmoorGuerrilla profile image

Hi Caroline, you only started two days ago so I'm guessing there's still a lot of gluten in your kitchen? If you haven't already, do a thorough decontamination to get rid of all the gluten lurking in nooks and crannies. Start by replacing all your wooden spoons, for example.

Also did you cook from scratch or use a ready made sauce? There are loads of threads on here you can look up on the dodgy ingredients we have to avoid, such as barley malt extract, maltodextrin, non specific "starch".

Good luck :-)

sallydogsmum profile image

hi Caroline

Going gluten free is not easy. It's not as simple as simply changing from gluten to gluten free ready meals and things like that. In these pre prepared meals there is a small amount of gluten allowed by law, and sometimes, some people are sensitive to them. Occasionally this can include a problem with corn (from which most GF pasta is made) and porridge. Normal porridge oats are not GF, the GF ones may cause issue too (I can't eat them, and boy, do I miss it).

The GF diet is often trial and error, and eventually you'll work out what you can and can't eat. What may be useful is to adopt a 'clean' diet for a couple of months while keeping a food journal. Really go back to basics, cook everything from scratch but use mostly good proteins meat, fish, eggs, cheese if you can eat it), veggies, fruit, salads, stews, roasts etc BUT no added stuff. Once you've had a few weeks on a clean diet, try and add GF things in and see what happens. There are many of us who really can't eat the GF breads, cakes, biscuits due to the gluten content, and do not even try to make replacement things. You eventually get used to not having that type of carbohydrate in the diet. It's hard but not impossible!!

If you continuing reading the past posts on here about additives and other intolerances you'll get a better idea as to the hidden gluten that might upset you (glucose-fructose syrup, dextrose, citric acid e150d - caramel colouring in soft drinks - are just a few). You have to be careful when eating things that are prepared or packaged in a non clean environment, so read every label. You may need to (if you haven't) ensure your kitchen is cleaned of all gluten, your cooking utensils are for your use alone, people don't drop crumbs everywhere (my parents are dreadful for scattering crumbs, you wouldn't believe the fallout from a cream-cracker!!), and beware of toasters and things 'gluten-eaters' may contaminate.

Hopefully, once you've improved your diet your depression might improve. It's a dreadful thing isn't it, debilitating but unseen, nasty thing takes over your life. and having suffered from it, appreciate the deep pit you may be looking into right now, with this issue staring you in the face. So, don't get too overwhelmed by the diet, it is actually really good once you get into it. It just takes time to know your own limits. The up-side is you'll become a really good cook!!

Good luck :)

Anj1a profile image

Hi Caroline,

I completely agree with what freelancer has said, and i think you will come to appreciate that you are finding an answer to the mysteries that were your symptoms up until now.

If you are coeliac you must get properly tested, and following your bfs paleo diet for 6-8 weeks is prob not a bad idea, as there may be other foods causing your gut some irritation also. You can introduce these foods one-by-one back into your diet, watching for a reaction. It would be good to have the moral support of cooking together and eating together.

Its very early, your body is still adjusting, My body did all sorts of strange things when i first went gluten-free, and 14 months on im still not entirely symptom-free. Its a work in progress, there aren't any magic pills, its a lifestyle change but i would never go back. You will have your ups and downs, you will feel sorry for yourself when people are munching away happily in your face the things you used to eat too... but in the end you are clearing your body of all the processed crap this food industry has been feeding us for years. Feel empowered, you're taking control of your health.

Hope this helps a bit, feel better soon :)

Karen77 profile image

It's not that hard once you look at it as an opportunity to optimize your helath and feel great! There are loads of websites with great recipes and you can always just Google "Paleo beef/chicken/fish" - whichever protein - and find great recipes online. Some good sites with very yummy foods are,,,, and You can find loads of blogs with people in your same situation, which can be a real support. Good luck!

Karen77 profile image

One more idea - has a recipe for plaintain pancakes (google Perfect Paleo Pancakes or search her site). They taste amazing, much better than any almond flour version! It's our weekend breakfast treat, but you can easily bake up a batch, refrigerate and than reheat when you want a quick snack. It's the only thing I'd use my toaster for now :)

virgolizzy profile image

I think we can all identify with you about the loss of foods you love, but you do have to believe it will be worth it in the end, because you will eventually feel so much better. Unfortunately it isn't an easy ride as there will be a number of bumps along the way, but you do have to listen to your body.

I personally think that if you know other things are bothering you the Auto Immune Protocol on the paleo diet is a good place to start, read the book by Sarah Ballyntyne on the very same subject to understand the whys & wherefores & them work out what is best for you.

I was GF, DF, Soya free for some time then other food started bothering me hugely, so After loads of research, I started the AIP Paleo diet. After a couple of months & after a really bad few days where I felt awful, I came out the other side & felt wonderful.

It is the hardest thing I have ever done food wise but so worth it. The tricky part is, is that when you then start reintroducing foods, you have to psych yourself up for it, as you know one of those foods is going to be one of the naughty ones & reintroducing it is the only way to find out for sure.

So far for me, I definitely cant do potatoes but can do eggs & rice. Got lots more to reintroduce but I'm takin g it slowly as I hate the repercussions of reintroducing stuff. It's a long hard journey but so worth it when you feel so good & normal!

So listen to your body, read up loads of stuff, go with what you feel works for you & hang on to the thought of taking control & mAking yourself so much better.....good luck, we are all behind you.

ps cauliflower rice is a fab substitute for pasta & couscous. Just blitz up raw cauliflower, season it & microwave for 5 mins, it's incredibly tasty & filling!

Jacks profile image

Have you been tested for coeliac disease? If not, and you have symptoms, then get a blood test at your GPs. That way you'll know whether you need to put yourself through this, or whether its something else you need to be doing.

CarolineLondon profile image

I hope you dont mind a reply to you all.....THANK YOU THANK YOU for your help and advice.

I did go got my doctor and asked to see a dietician she said a BiG NO! Effectively Id have to be dying as she list off the conditions I need.

Therefore I have not be diagnosed as a Celiac or as having IBS. When I suggest going gluten free she said yes...try it (ie she couldnt give a sh*t).

I cant follow the Paleo its too extreme for me and I dont have the dedication. Im now on antibiotics for a bacterial infection meaning y stomach is going to be out of whack whatever. Believe me I always fight NOT to take antibiotics!

Diet isnt going so well but I have gone gluten free and will stick to that for a couple of weeks and see.

Thank you again for your help and encouragement XX

Penel profile image
Penel in reply toCarolineLondon

Make sure you get some probiotics to help you cope with the effects of the antibiotics.

CarolineLondon profile image

Thank you, Im eating dark chocolate as we speak....thats right isnt it *wink wink*... Probiotics the code word for .....dark chocolate XX

freelancer profile image
freelancer in reply toCarolineLondon

Why you should eat dark chocolate...

menothyro profile image

Store bought, health food stores included sell gluten free breads that are highly processed and if you look at the ingredients there are also additives so prolly best to avoid bread but if u love your toast try making your own with gluten free flour then at least you know what is in it ! :)

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