A few months ago my hands were getting really itchy, then a few weeks later I developed this itchy rash with clear blister bumps on my fingers. Now I have a itchy red rash on my elbows. I haven't changed my diet, detergent or anything else.
Rash on elbos: A few months ago my... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Rash on elbos
I have scaly elbows too ! Have to file them with my foot file. Had it for years. Rest of my skin is fine. Try almond oil several times a day to keep it soft and hopefully it will improve. Perhaps you have your favourite emollient - so you can use that - Aloe Vera is very good I have read. As we know our skin is our biggest organ and reflects what is going on in our gut - so perhaps check your diet and the ingredients.
It can also be a Thyroid symptoms - and yes I have Hashimotos.
Could be autoimmune, psoriasis doesn't always go white (dead skin) but elbows are a common place. Check nape of neck or scalp, these are not always itchy. As Marz says moisturise.
My elbow looks just like that! I did have psoriasis many years ago and I'm presuming it's come back. At the moment I'm just using body moisturising cream on it. The blistery areas on your hands could be excema. Might be worth showing a pharmacist or doctor.
I wouldn't use any body lotions or anything on the market. If you read the ingredients and google them you will see that they are nothing but bad chemicals. I recommend googling what kind of essential oil to put on it mixed with coconut oil. If you buy essential oils you need to buy ones that are expensive. Young Living and Do terra are great. Look on their websites for a consultant near you. Google coconut oil. Lots to learn about that. Only buy pure virgin organic. Again expensive but well worth it. There's hundreds of uses for coconut oil. I put it in my coffee, rub on my face as a moisturizer and legs, put it in the dogs food, put it in my coffee. It's wonderful. And also dr. axe leaky gut and take his quiz to find out about the foods you are eating that affect everything in your body. Very interesting.
Good luck....I hope this helps.
Are you on 100% gluten free diet? Celiac on skin is usually on elbows and/or knees. I don't know what is the proper term for skin celiac? ?
Hi Applegreene - it sounds a bit similar to dermatitis herpetiformis (which I have) - the skin manifestation of coeliac disease. Are you able to follow a strict gluten-free diet? I hope it clears soon!
Yes, I have had hyper/hypothyroid for 30 years. I went to an altetnative practicioner (Chinese herbs, acupunture, and very knowlagable about holistic treatments. She said check out the book. The Gluten Connection, because I'd been diagnosed, after many tests, 10 years earlier. Had countless trips to ER with dehydration from gastro attacks. I was finally diagnosed with Celiac. Now, I can tell when any gluten has snuck into my diet, my gut is healing with daily bone broth, strict diet * lots of rest-- but the first sign of gluten in my body is a rash on my elbows, usually the left one. It doesn't itch, just rough, and goes away in afew days. Definitely a sign from my body. Listen to your body. You know it best! Hope that my experience helps, altho eveyone is different. Good luck!
PS my first diagnosis was "IBS." I lost many jobs from illness, barely got thru grad school til I burned out & had to take disability while I've spent the last 7 years, between down times, researching how to get better. That alone can be frustrating & lead to depression. I found it best to have plenty of support and don't isolate. Don't let pride keep you from asking for help!
I have Hashimotos as well and that was the first thing my doctor told me to do was go gluten free. It is important to keep the inflammation down in the body (gut). Some of us hashi patients have food sensitivities as well which is important to figure out or we will get more autoimmune and sicker. The skin rash could be a new autoimmune. Finding a good integrative functional doc that can get to root cause and not just the symptoms will be a great help. Best of luck.
It could be dermatitis herpetiformis.Chances are your GP has never seen it so go and ask for a referral to a dermatologist.
That's how I found out about this coeliac decease, I sometimes get a rash on my elbows and it also attacks the knuckles on my hands.