in almost all of the foods at the store have dextrose. I'm not sure if it is healthy?
I want to be healthy, but I don't kno... - Gluten Free Guerr...
I want to be healthy, but I don't know what dextrose is and if its safe to eat.

Hi there, dextrose is an artificial sugar that can be derived from wheat but even if it is it would have negligible levels of gluten in it and would be well within codex. However all artificial sugars are seen as triggers for IBS.
Many members have issues with dextrose and if you type 'dextrose' into the search box at the top right of the GFG home page many previous posts will appear.
Now in answer to your comment that you want to be healthy, if you want my honest opinion a wholesome diet of naturally gluten free foods is much healthier nutrition wise than one based on processed foods. Some members have taken this one step further and have adopted a Paleo diet.
At the end of the day we are what we eat. So whether you chose to eat dextrose in store bought foods will come down to life style choices and whether it makes you ill and if it does then you will know why, so there is no definitive answer to this.
Lastly well done for joining us and any more queries then you ask away.
Hi there
I agree with Jerry. A healthy diet consists of naturally gluten free foods of fish, poultry, meat, eggs, dairy, fruit and vegetables. You do not need any sugar in your diet let alone artificial ones. Although the occasional treat won't do you any harm. My son likes chocolate now and again. I think the gluten free diet is healthy as long as you are not eating lots of the very processed foods on the free from aisle like biscuits, cakes, breads. If you look at their ingredients list they add lots of crap to make them taste and look like gluten containing products. There are great gluten free recipes on the Pinterest app if you need some inspiration.
Kiki x
Dextrose is another name for manufactured Glucose. It is absorbed immediately into the blood stream so is one of the things that potentially gives you blood sugar swings. In this country it is derived from wheat unless the packaging says that it is potato starch or corn starch.
Gluten free processed food used to taste hideous. The more palatable the product the more weird the ingredient list becomes and the sugar list gets longer - glucose, fructose are mono-saccharides (single sugars); lactose, maltose, sucrose are disaccharides, (double-sugars) as does the list of fillers like methyl cellulose (which is the main constituent of wallpaper paste!)
Don't even get me started on mono and diglycerides of fatty acids or trans fats ...... I used to have a reasonably healthy diet before I was diagnosed!
Hi there, as jacks says dextrose is a manufactured glucose.
To break it down simply .. Cane sugar and ( table sugar ) , honey and most things we can consider sweetner is made up of 2 parts... Glucose and fructose . Dextrose is a manufactured version of the glucose part of sugar.
People with ibs like myself cannot have fructose as it triggers my ibs symptoms but glucose on the other hand doesn't cause any problems. This is because the fructose is not digested in our bodies ( ibs'ers ) and then reacts havok to put it simply in our lower digestive system.
Glucose is digested properly and therefor causes less problems in moderation.
There are many places you can buy pure dextrose powder which is derived from corn or potatoe online.. Amazon, eBay etc. I personally use dextrose for baking as a replacement for sugar which is a gluten free source.
I personally follow a low fodmap diet, which has improved my health amazingly. This is totally gluten, dairy free plus a fair few other restrictions, but like anything , once you cut out these foods your body will adjust and you will find eating healthy much easier and enjoyable.
Lots of googling, and time and effort to start and once your on the right track, it will become natural.
Look up low fodmap diet, there are lots of strands on here aswell that will help .
And for me the only healthy way to live is to cook everything fresh ingredients. 0 % processed food.
Good luck and hope this helps
: )