Immunologist at Addenbrooks - Gluten Free Guerr...

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Immunologist at Addenbrooks

Moggie profile image
11 Replies

Hi All,

Has anyone been to see a Dr.Kumararatne at Addenbrooks? I am not naïve enough to think I will be seeing the man himself but wondered if anyone has had dealings with his team.

Could you please PM me with any info.


Moggie x

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Moggie profile image
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11 Replies
Marz profile image

Hi Moggie - glad to find you in action :-) Do let me know how you get along with this team of Immunologists - it will be interesting.... You have often mentioned how rarely anyone talks about such people so it will be interesting how their role in medicine dovetails with all the others - and of course with the knowledge you have.

Time for all schools of thought - and the various specialists - to have meetings where they join up the dots and find some interesting answers. Guess we will have to wait a little longer for Functional Medical Practitioners to hit the streets of the UK big time and beyond - people who will do dot to dot and search for real causes rather than masking with pills and potions....

Be well...

M x

Moggie profile image
Moggie in reply to Marz

Hi Marz,

Lovely to hear from you.

My GP has done her research and this guy specialises in allergies, which I am suffering badly with at the moment. My diet is now so restricted that I have dropped close on 3 stone. I am now gluten, dairy, sugar and all processed food free (have also been meat free for over thirty years) so am finding it hard to eat a balanced diet. I am also fighting a bad case of candida overgrowth so healing and sealing the gut is not going to happen until I get rid of the Candida, and so the puzzle goes on. Wanted to see an immunologist mainly for blood tests - IGg and IGe - but it will be interesting to see if this team of doctors get the gut/immune system connection - if they don't I'll give up with the NHS and carrying on sorting myself out but it would be nice to know EXACTLY what I am reacting to and not having to guess all the time.

I'll be first in the queue if a good functional doctor ever hit our shores (will have to fight with Sue for that position cos it's very frustrating to keep banging your head up against a wall with our NHS "specialists" and their limited views.

Did message you yesterday to wish you a merry Christmas - hope all is o.k. with you and hubbie.

Moggie x

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Moggie

PM received - thank you. Will PM you.... M x

Hi moggie

Poor you!

Have you looked into The Paleo Approach? Dr Sarah Ballantyne.

Best wishes


Moggie profile image
Moggie in reply to

Thanks for the reply - I have listened to the paleo mum on quite a few summits and am almost paleo but the paleo approach relies on a lot of meat, which I haven't eaten for over thirty years, so that approach doesn't suit me totally. I do use the paleo pastry recipe and a few other things from a paleo cook book but tend to dip in and out of many different types of GF cooking.

It may seem to some that I am living on thin air, and I'm sorry if I made it sound that way, but I am not doing to badly actually and count myself lucky that I am only gluten sensitive and not coeliac, the trouble is that it is not just gluten that is causing my problems, hence why I want to see an immunologist for testing.

Thanks again for your reply

Moggie x

You didn't make it sound as if you are living on thin air but 3 stone is a lot to lose. I know how hard it is with allergies as my son was born with a milk allergy, at 2 we discovered he was allergic to eggs and at 8 he was diagnosed with coeliac disease ( I am gluten sensitive like you). Most gluten free products contain egg and it's hard to home bake without egg so he's had to make lots of sacrifices. So I do feel for you. Fingers crossed this guy at Addenbrookes can help.

Moggie profile image
Moggie in reply to

Your poor son - at least we are old enough to understand why we cannot eat certain things but at 8 he must be so confused. Also poor you as it must be very difficult keeping him well and having to constantly refuse him things.

Funnily I have realised this weekend that I am reacting to eggs as, unwittingly, I stayed off of them for three weeks and then ate some this weekend only for my whole body to swell and the migraine I have been without for a while return. So another ingredient to add to the growing "elimination" list.

I have a very good pasta sauce recipe that your son would love if you want to PM me, as I know the site doesn't like you swapping recipes do they. It only has three ingredient, carrots, beetroot and onion, and really shouldn't taste as good as it does but it is really nice, very sweet and also cheap and easy to make.

Thank you once again for your replies and well wishes.

Moggie x

Anj1a profile image
Anj1a in reply to Moggie

Hi moggie

I'm also no meat no eggs (no fish) coeliac. I'm going to look into getting Cyrex tested next year to check for any other cross reactive foods. It looks expensive but worth it, I think once you have identified those you go on gut healing programme of probiotics etc, have you tried this yet? I can't find an NHS doc so far that doesn't look at me stupidly when I tell them, so will go private with a nutritionist. Dr klaper's website is plant based diet he is an MD in California, and the only one I've found so far who doesn't go about paleo diets!

Keep me updated :)

Moggie profile image
Moggie in reply to Anj1a

Thanks for the reply and yes I am already heavily into the gut healing process but am finding it difficult due to a bad case of Candida overgrowth so am going to sort this out in the new year (supplements and special probiotics are going to cost in the region of £200) and can then concentrate on sealing and healing the gut again. I have taken a good probiotic for over seven months now, and am just in the middle of trying to work out a good vegetable broth that will help me on my way (all the talks I have listen to go on about bone broth - which is obviously no good to us) which is sea weed based as it is rich in nutrition but cant do any of that until I have sorted out the candida. Will give you the recipe for the vegetable broth when I have sorted it if you want.

I now know more about my own thyroid issues and gut issues than my GP does and she admits that so, after a bit of a fight, she agreed to send me to an immunologist who I am hoping will give me the allergy blood testing I want. The only lab I would use privately for this would also be Cyrex, which is the only one that Tom O'Brien recommends, so will be looking into that if the immunologist looks at me like I am mad. He will have a rude awakening if he tries to fob me off as I have done lots of home work and hopefully my knowledge on gut issues, gut flora and the damage that bacteria overgrowth can do to the gut will help me convince him/her that I aim to get what I want, if not through the NHS then privately.

Will check Dr.Klaper's web site out but there are a few more that do a plant based healing process. I'll pass on the info when I can think of them - sorry I suffer a lot with brain fog due to my thyroid illness so don't retain info like I used to. Did you used to eat eggs or are you totally vegan? I used to eat eggs until I started reacting to them but have since learnt that, due to chickens being fed corn - wheat and barley - this could actually be the gluten I am reacting to, so am going to give duck eggs a go as some people who react to chickens eggs do not react to duck eggs as I don't think ducks are fed wheat or barley. I'll soon know as I get bad migraines when I eat chickens eggs.

Thanks again for your reply and it would be good to swap notes on a veggie healing process with someone who is in the same boat as me. It does make me mad that nearly all the experts I have listened to bang on about meat so much, some even go as far as saying that you wont be able to seal and heal the gut unless you do eat meat - we'll have to prove them wrong wont

Moggie x

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Moggie

Hi Moggie - just wondering how you fared with the Immunologist ?

Moggie profile image
Moggie in reply to Marz

Hi Marz - lovely to hear from you, have been thinking about you what with all that is happening in Greece.

Didn't do to bad with the immunologist, thanks for asking. It was lovely to talk to a doctor that actually understood thyroid illness, got the Hashi's gut connection and understood why I have taken gluten (among other things) out of my diet. He was impressed that I had three years worth of blood, gynae, adrenal and gastro reports with me and said he wished all patients were that efficient (most doctors don't like you having all your own records over here do they?).

He did quite a few IgE blood test and the one that came back very high was dust mite - so I have a dust mite allergy and it is this that has been causing my headaches and blocked up nose every morning and NOT the food I ate the day before. I have now been able to re-introduce eggs, mushrooms and tomato's back into my diet as I thought it was these that were the problem. I also now know that I have hay fever as well

He was impressed that I had so much knowledge of my condition and did not find this threatening, like my endo and GP does, and also agreed that I had multiple food allergies that are being driven by my immune system.

So all in all, although I didn't get any definite answers apart from the dust mite and pollen allergies, it was very helpful as I have now taken steps - anti allergy dust mite mattress, duvet and pillow covers as well as trying to drastically reduce any dust in my bedroom with diatomaceous earth which is meant to kill the little blitters - to try and lessen the response I am having.

I would definitely recommend anyone with autoimmune thyroid illness (or any autoimmune illness come to that) go and see an immunologist instead of an endocrinologist as they are far more knowledgeable than any endo and don't look at you like you are mad. My endo even had the nerve to dismiss my GF diet and wrote to my GP telling her he saw no point in it - and that's someone who is supposed too understand the illness - frightening really.

How are you doing and are things tough over there?

Thanks again for asking Marz.

Take care

Moggie x

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