Has any diagnosed Coeliac been diagnosed with 1.. Sinus Tachycardia 2..Atrial Premature Complex (es).
Having looked at Sinus Tachycardia this seems to fit my coeliac disease as a 6 year old re exercise, stress.
Has any diagnosed Coeliac been diagnosed with 1.. Sinus Tachycardia 2..Atrial Premature Complex (es).
Having looked at Sinus Tachycardia this seems to fit my coeliac disease as a 6 year old re exercise, stress.
I have SVT all my life, was never picked up until my 60's by a junior doctor at work, good thing I had an episode that day, otherwise it might still be undiagnosed and only put down to stress and whatever. I had passed all the Army physicals every year. As a child I was told to sit down and quieten down, no-one took any notice, so I grew up thinking this happened to everyone who undertook strenuous exercise or in a stressful situation. I don't believe this goes hand in hand with gluten intolerance. I am 70 now, no SVT's since giving up work full time. The medication I was prescribed for this made it worse with more frequent episodes, so I have come off all medication. if I feel an episode coming on, I sip ice cold water, do carotid massage and believe it or not, laughter also helps.my heart back into normal sinus rhythm. No more adenosine and no more being hooked up to the national grid to shock my heart back into normal rhythm. I have refused to have a cardiac ablation performed. I am doing it my way, gently and naturally.
Hi I have saw this information the other day, it says CD is linked to irregular heartbeats healthline.com/health-news/...
I had a browse of this article which I find full of theories and assumptions and not based on real figures that are not available. No one can predict how many people are undiagnosed with CD or any other illness. There are so many experts in every field of life so why are these illness continuing? I know very very few Coeliac's in the Town that I live in and only two of us at our surgery again good marketing.
If you click on the blue word "study" in the second line it will direct you to a fuller explanation, with numbers of participants etc.
" But experts believe upwards of 80 percent of people with celiac disease are underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed with conditions such as lactose intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome." again an assumption, statistics can only dictate confirmed diagnosed not a guesswork opinion. The experts also carried out studies which produced the Gluten Free diet sadly only those studied were those who could tolerate the stuff and the experts being the manufacturer funding the studies. I keep a very open mind on what is preached about Coeliac Disease and the textbook symptoms we are all supposed to have.
I found this an interesting piece of research on the incidence of coeliac disease and DH in the UK. The incidence of CD has gone up over time. The full article is available to read as well, which isn't always the case on PubMed. There is reference to studies from other countries too.
Sorry Penel but I find studies boring and have yet to find any studies that have been carried out on Coeliac's who go into remission for many years or why some Coeliac's cannot tolerate the gluten free diet. They always appear in favour of those who can tolerate the diet of which they are the majority and there are other sites administered by wannabe coeliac's all for the sake of the GF diet. It is also surprising how the odd Coeliac comes up with something new that is little known about? without the internet not many would survive this condition
Hi Penel, this is fascinating so thanks for posting it, I always knew there was a higher incidence in Ireland and I only knew of this because of the potato famine.
There was a really interesting article on the radio the other day when they talked about diets and gluten affecting more people and the specialist reckoned that the new dwarf species of high gluten wheat were partly responsible.
Thanks Jerry. Perhaps I should have posted it somewhere else!
I must agree a sense of humour does work wonders but not appreciated by many. I have researched that flying and autoimmune diseases are responsible, Big discussion on Wednesday with AF clinic.