I have an appointment with a gastroen... - Gluten Free Guerr...
I have an appointment with a gastroentrologist next week. Can anyone tell me what to expect?

Hi, It would help if you gave a little more background. However my advice would be to understand their specialism (goggle it) and why your GP has referred you. Go armed with whatever questions you feel are relevant to help you better understand your situation. Listen to their advice and take paper and pen if you feel you will not be able to remember what is said.
It's your time with an expert. Make the most of it and don't be intimidated, they are, in my experience, very freindly and helpful.
Best of luck.
Hi Zebedee
They should ask about your symptoms in a systematic way - not all do - so my advice would be to make a detailed list of those - frequency, level of discomfort / pain, how that effects your daily life etc.
do this for gut symptoms and more general, eg fatigue, dizziness, depression, whatever
Make sure they get all these. You could also find out about relevant tests, bloods, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, dexa scan, and ask about any that you feel are relevant.
Listening plus pen and paper are good advice from Silver. You could consider bringing a friend or relative with you, especially if you don't feel too confident. My own experience is that I get treated with more consideration if I am not on my own.
Also usually they weigh you first, and depending on the place you go to, may do blood tests after the appointment. Ask when and how you will get the results of any tests, and when your next appointment will be.
Good luck with that. As Silver says most are friendly and helpful ...
Hi, I had my first gastroenterology appointment last Tuesday and basically they'll just ask you about all your symptoms and book for more tests to be done, which really depends on why your going there. I was referred from general medicine from a different hospital as I had a B12 and VitD deficiency and they suspected it could be Coeliac disease due to my family history. Because I had already had so many tests done at this other hospital my appointment at the gastro's clinic was pretty quick and they booked for me to have an endoscopy on this 1st appointment. perhaps if you've had less tests done on you before hand then they might not get a lot done on the 1st appointment.
Hope this helps a bit and good luck
Hi, Thank you all for your replies, very helpful.