I have had a positive blood test a month ago ,as my daughter has CD I have put myself on G/F diet.wondering if it may be something else causing the itching.
just wondering how long the itching ... - Gluten Free Guerr...
just wondering how long the itching can go on for after starting G/F diet?

Am not sure about that, but just to say my blood test was positive, but still had to have endoscopy for 100% result, as apparently that is what you have to have
Thanks for your reply, is that just for someone to say you need to go on a G/F diet?
Hi zebedee, sometimes it can depend on just how 'gf' you are. I found that I had to cut out all processed 'gf' foods (especially baked goods incl 'gf' bread), coffee, most sugars (glucose, fructose and lactose) and other items too before I felt better. It may be worth doing an elimination diet to see if anything is setting you off? Good luck!
Thanks Lexy.trying to stay off all gluten and processed g/f foods. But will look at the other things you mentioned.
Do you have DH? I do so even though I'm GF I still find triggers - too much fish in a week, etc. (There are a lot of threads about Dermatitis Herpetiformis for more info if you look on here.)