I have just received my first email for ages and the question looked interesting. I had to navigate away from the query to log on and then it took ages to find the question again. What was so wrong with the previous site that had to be drastically changed? CD seems to make so many things in life harder and now even connecting with other sufferers is hard work. I always saw this forum as a bit like " Cheers", you know, the old sitcom where everyone knows your name. Now it seems it's under new management!
Awful new site!: I have just received... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Awful new site!

I must admit that I find it a bit too difficult to navigate, it feels like something else that my brain fog has to cope with. Plus the look and feel on my IPad is very boxy and I keep getting my membership line moving and stopping me typing
I agree about this site. Why fix what isn't broken . No correspondence at all from you, and used to look forward to my Gluten Free mates!! Pleas tell us why you changed it
Hi folks, The new layout doesn't bother me, even tho' I don't find the new layout as user friendly. As rightly pointed out by another member GFG and all HU sites are free to both the user and the groups concerned. So how do HU make money? As a private company that collates medical information, well that's my interpretation. I also believe that this is in the best interests of us the patients and medical practitioners/etc.
My interpretation of the new layout affecting all HU sites is so that it can grow to accommodate the amount of members that it now has and as it becomes a global entity.
This is why HU has been changed in their words: blog.healthunlocked.com/
Lastly this same point has come up on other HU sites, so we are all in the same situation and will get used to the new layout. I do think that the HU team could have clarified things better but they're self confessed geeks so it's all obvious to them LOL.

Thanks for the link about HU. Very interesting. I'm getting used to the new layout but miss the old search facility that just focused on one site.
I posted a question yesterday, and can't find it on here, dang it was a bit lengthy, but i'm new to this site, just wanted to basically know if losing 8 pounds in three days on this gf way of eating is normal, I have confirm diverticula, just got over bad bout of diverticlitis, also confirm ibs, no test to my knowledge of anything else, 20 years ago I was positive >very high matter of fact, on a skin test to rye grass, which would be the pollen? Thanks for any feedback.
Hi JodiQ
Your question is on the Weight Loss site. If you click on 'Communities' on the green bar next to your name, find a site and click on it to see the latest posts, or click on your profile picture to see your own posts.
This site takes some getting used to!
Losing 8 pounds in 3 days sounds a lot. Perhaps you should have a talk with your doctor, if you keep losing weight like this.
Have you had some advice on eating if you have diverticulitis and IBS?
Thanks for answering, think I got this figured out now, yes I have had ibs my whole life the diverticula has been going on for three years, the dr.'s have always said high fiber, but it always made me much sicker, I just had an endo done, and colonoscope, all kinds of blood test, no thyroid, no anemia, no issues with blood work, I really feel great, I know 8 pds, now 9 sounds crazy, but I feel better than even in my teens, taking medimucil once a day, gf free, and that's all I can handle right now, again thanks for your feed back, much appreciated, I will chk your post out, and hope your doing good too!
My GP told me I had diverticulitis too. I think they trot that one out, along with IBS, when they don't know what it is, or if you are over a certain age. I am careful with fibre and find that soluble fibre is easier to cope with, than insoluble fibre. Have a look on line for the different food. I've found that eating full fat food seems to have helped, along with giving up sugar. Probiotics seem to have helped too, I am ok with dairy, so I eat plain probiotic yoghurt.
Hope giving up the gluten continues to help you.
well it seems we are in the same boat, if you ever had a colonoscopy, then they can tell for sure ibs, because you can have spasms, and diverticula would be quite visible, say if they said you do, you do, but maybe if we new about the sensitivity to wheat, barley, rye, we would of never got so bad off. I can deal with dairy too, thank god, what's the difference between soluble and non, I have the powder form, that's what your talking about, vs pills? yes ive been on line, and I'm checking out different recipes, so far I haven't miss a thing, but I'm sure it easier when you can have the dairy, I walked about 1 mile this evening energy is coming back!
This is one site that gives the difference between fibres.
I had always eaten a lot of fruit and veg, so I was very surprised at a diagnosis of diverticular disease. Eating more soluble fibre helped me sort out my insides and I have not had any pains since going gluten free. Lots of vegetable soups! I think the Medimucil you are taking is soluble fibre.
Good to hear you are feeling so much better.
Wow Penel our systems r so alike, I have also ate more veggies, love them all, well not okra, and always ate rye bread and whole wheat but never could over do it or I would be very bloated, so if we are to have 25 grams a day, I think I came in at 15 to 20 a guess now, but no Dr would listen, they just say take it slowly, next patient please, well I took it slowly for 40 years, your right I feel better, but added up the fiber yesterday and I was at 11 grams, I will chk out your recommended site, do you consume enough fiber now and if yes, how? Have a good!
I have never added up how many grams of fibre I eat in a day before now! Today was approx 27 grm, I think. Banana as part of breakfast, a slice of home-made fruit loaf with coffee, salad and fruit at lunch, several veg with the evening meal.
Basically I have just slowly increased the amount of veg and fruit I eat, more veg than fruit, and nuts as a snack. I use chick pea flour (gram flour) and buckwheat flour, which have more fibre than your average white flour, and quinoa instead of rice. You will need to experiment slowly to find what works for you. I have also made sure that I eat real fats, like butter, but not too many carbs.
It seems very possible that problems like diverticulitis are caused by years of eating white flour, white sugar and other processed foods. That was certainly how I was brought up.
Hope everything works well for you. But if the weight loss carries on perhaps check with the doctor?
no weight loss today, I think I was so inflamed from the bout of diverticulitis I had, that I was holding a lot of fluid, i'm not saying 9 pds, but maybe 4 pds, then not eating a day before the colonoscopy, who knows? I don't care for bananas but I will start, I love veggies, more than fruit so I will do the same. I thought since I got gluten free white flour I was ok, is that still the same? I luv hearing from you, I will chk out the chick pea flour, I never seen it before, I don't use white sugar, well very rarely. I eat butter, and made coconut butter today, was not liking the taste, so I added honey, still did not care for it, funny cause I luv coconuts, coconut milk, etc. well you are fetting enough fiber, do you take Metamucil? bye for now, and thanks