Hello all and Happy healthy New Year,
I had Trab surgery in my right eye in 21 check up in July last year revealed the bleb was leaking so must have urgent correction surgery within 2 weeks, well that happened on the 19th December the Thursday, check up next day bleb still leaking slightly, so on the 23rd had another 4 stitches in, check up again yesterday, eye is inflamed despite me taking 9 drops a day anf antibiotic ointment 5 times a day, so that resulted in me having 3 different injections in the eye, now going back this Thursday for another check up, this journey is never ending. I have been waiting to have a cataract removal which occurred after the first Trab in 21, but that won't happen to this recent op is looking ok. I need glasses as mine are broken but opticians won't give me glasses till the cat op, as it will not make any difference to the bad eye. Just putting this out there, as its not all over till the big lady sings, in some cases. Best wishes.