Hi every one, I am due to have cataract surgery in a few months. I will be having my left eye done first which is a Lazy eye.Has anyone had this done and does it improve sight in that eye.
Cataracts and Lazy eye: Hi every one, I am due... - Glaucoma UK
Cataracts and Lazy eye

very interested to see any replies as I am also due cataract surgery on a lazy eye. Good luck hope all goes well for you.
my consultant says it will help everything eyesight and glaucoma but I haven’t had it done yet
I’ve had a lazy right eye since childhood & only “see” with this eye when I close my left eye. I had the patch over my eye when I was young but it didn’t work. Even tho I can see objects with the right eye, it doesn’t function correctly, my brain struggles to process the information so I can’t read with it for example. My understanding is that my left eye was dominant so at about eight years of age my brain started to switch off my right eye. I was told (wrongly or rightly) that as an adult no procedures will correct my right eye. This is just my experience. Good luck.
I have had a lazy left eye from a child,I had an operation on it when I was 5 to straighten it then had my right eye patched to make me use left eye more. I think it may have helped a little,I can only see about 4 lines down on eye chart with left eye and glasses. I am on list for Cataract Surgery ( lens replacement) because I have high pressure and closed angles and I just wondered if sight would be improved in that eye.
I have had catarack surgery on both my eyes. My first operation was on my right eye a few years ago and that is a lazy eye. Although the surgery improved the pressure in my eye for glaucoma, it made no difference to the lazyness of my eye.
I have a lazy left eye. I had a corneal graft and had the lens+cataract removed 20 years ago. They didn't put in a new lens as they said it wouldn't make significant difference to my vision, and would add extra risk. I can just about see top letter of eye chart as though through thick fog,
The vision of my left eye could be noticeably improved with very strong glasses, but I have always been told this wouldn't make much difference overall. It would mean my brain would have to cope with very different images from my left and right eye, and would probably continue to block out the left images as it does now.
It could be worth having this discussion with your consultant, ie what are the options for replacement lenses and could a particular lens improve your vision?