dizziness with drops: why do I feel dizzy with... - Glaucoma UK

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dizziness with drops

5 Replies

why do I feel dizzy with glaucoma drops

5 Replies
Helen_GlaucomaUK profile image

Hi Denniboy. I don't know which drops you are on but it could be one of the side effects. Have a look at the leaflet which comes with the drops, to see if dizziness is one of the side effects listed. If you think it is the drops causing this, you can always ask your eye specialist to change the drops to a different type.

norfolkblade profile image

Just a thought, but are you sure it is actually the drops causing the problem and not simply the way that you are taking them? I find it easiest to take my drops lying flat on my back but I would get a little light headed if I jumped up too quickly afterwards. Have you tried going through all the procedure of taking drops but not actually delivering one? If you don't feel dizzy, then it's definitely the drops, if you do, then it's the way that you are taking them.

tkhach44 profile image

I used to feel dizzy too. My sister is a retired family doctor, and she advised me to often measure my blood pressure, as those eye drops can often change your body blood pressure too. Mine was going so much down, to 93/ 53, sometimes. She advised me to increase a little salt in my food, especially the days I was drinking too much water, which could have been participating in the lack of salt in me. Also I began to take sometimes Vit B complex to strengthen my nervous system. Today My blood pressure was 103/ 67, which is also low, however I don't feel dizzy any more.

anonimouse5 profile image

I felt dizzy and weak when taking Dorzolamide, so was taken off it. Later I went back on it and have been OK because now I know I should close my tearducts after using it. This wasn't stated in the instructions and since it was only the second drop I had used I didn't know I should do it - I assumed it was something specifically for Latanoprost!

Having now used 4 different brands of Dorzolamide, there is only one of the four which mentions the technique.

in reply to anonimouse5

hi Anonimouse5, even when I close my tear ducks for the 2 minutes they drops don’t agree with me. I have been on different drops for years & when I came of Timolol I went back to normal that is once it was out of my system, then I tried Timolol again & back came my dizziness. Drops are not for me other than Latanoprost.

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