is anyone having trouble getting hold of Cosopt eye drops. These are single use drops which are preservative free. My pharmacist just says to ask consultant for an alternative drop but these are the only ones that lower my pressure slightly and I think I’ve had just about every glaucoma drop that’s available! This is very worrying.
Cosopt eye drops: is anyone having trouble... - Glaucoma UK
Cosopt eye drops

Hi Charliecat,I'm on Cosopt but I'm still able to get it without any problems so far.
Maybe it depends where you live. I don't know.
I hope you can resolve it soon, take care x
Hi. If I haven't already spoken to you on the phone, as I have had a query about Cosopt PF drops, then just to let you know, that there isn't a production problem.
It could be a local problem of supplies in your area. It would be worth trying a different pharmacy, to see if they have any. Your pharmacy can find out from their supplier, when the next delivery will be and hopefully order a few more to cover you for next time.

hi Helen. It was me you spoke to on the phone …thanks for your help .
These are very difficult to find in the US. I had to get my consultant involved and he found some of the bottles containing preservative to get me by. However, I finally found a source through mail order of the preservative free. It took a lot of searching!
Hi Floaters, where are you in US and who does your Cosopt PF & cost? I am in Texas and I use mail order Eagle Pharmacy in Florida 180 vials is $150, thx eyesong DFW TX
I am on 3x Brinzolamide & 1x Saflutan, this week the chemist took an extra 3 days to get hold of my Brinzolamide on my repeat prescriptions last month it was the Saflutan that was difficult. It seams to be a regular story with eye drops now wonder why?
thanks for reply. I suppose that means we must order repeats in plenty of time!
Yes, I always order two new bottles when I am down to only one bottle left. I don't know what pharmacy you use but personally I have found the service in the large chains useless. My present pharmacy is a small independent one and they will search around for you until they find the stuff you need if there's a shortage. I have never had a problem since changing to them.... you get a personal service, something that Boots et al don't seem to understand.
I used to take them but it’s started to become a bit of a hassle if I go travelling etc. They also come preservative free in bottle form. On top I take one steroid eye drop a day unfortunately the gp prescribes the single use ones even though they come in bottle form as well
Although they are supposed to be slightly better (have no idea why) again, it’s a hassle.
I order my prescription to be delivered to my house I think that helps
My GP usually sends me two bottles and 3 packs of steroids after I’ve explained the situation
Hi Charlie, sorry to hear you can't get hold of your drops, obviously this is worrying for you. This is something I have been reading slot on here about various eye drops. I just wondered have you tried online pharmacies, as this seems to be the easiest way to get medication these days?
Maybe worth a try - your NHS Hospital pharmacy would have them? Good Luck. ☘️