irreversible optic nerve damage: Hi everyone... - Glaucoma UK

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irreversible optic nerve damage

Sennaman profile image
36 Replies

Hi everyone,

can someone tell me what irreversible optic nerve damage actually really means as that's what the doctor recently said to me and also have both cataracts removed as soon as and now on eye drops to get the high pressure down


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Sennaman profile image
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36 Replies
JanD236 profile image

It means that the damage to your optic nerve (I assume caused by high pressure) can’t be made better and any sight loss as a result can’t be recovered.

However, the good news is that the drops you are now on should reduce that pressure and therefore further damage should be prevented.

Sennaman profile image
Sennaman in reply to JanD236

Thankyou for reply

Sufitzy profile image

Hi As per previous response . So if the drops work then the damage can be halted where it is currently at . So how does that leave you currently with you vision ?

Sennaman profile image
Sennaman in reply to Sufitzy

Hi,thanks for your reply, hopefully the drops can help but my vision in left eye is slowly fading around the outer part and hopefully see someone soon who no doubt say exactly what is going on and what they can do

Eahldt profile image

I have irreversible optic nerve damage in my right eye resulting in sight loss which can’t be recovered. This is usually tracked via the field test. I use drops and have had surgery to try and stop it getting worse. On the positive side I have good sight in my left eye which the consultant is working hard to preserve so I can see well enough to live a normal life.

Sennaman profile image
Sennaman in reply to Eahldt

thank you for your reply, it was a shock when I was told that too much damage been caused, now using drops to get the pressure down,catarats in both to be removed and then I see what else they say about the condition both eyes are, the right they say is not far behind.

Eahldt profile image

Nevertheless once you’re in the system for treatment further deterioration can be slowed down or even halted. It’s taken about 15 years from initial diagnosis to get where I am today still leading a normal life. In that 15 years treatment has improved a great deal . The initial diagnosis is a shock but it’s generally a slowly developing condition which allows time for adjustment, both physical and psychological. I only discovered this website about 6 months ago and find it very supportive.

Sennaman profile image
Sennaman in reply to Eahldt

Nice reply and it was shock to the system and will have to adjust and take notes on my next visit and I’ve read a lot on the subject in the last week

Sunshine88888888 profile image

Oh bless you, it always such a shock when you first get your diagnosis, so much to take in. As others have said thank goodness you are now in the system and will be monitored closely. I have just had both my cataracts done as an emergency to relieve pressures in both my eyes. Fingers crossed it has worked, pressures are well down. I have to stay on all my eye drops however I’m so grateful for being looked after for twenty years when I had my initial diagnosis. Take care and let us know how you get on xx

Sennaman profile image
Sennaman in reply to Sunshine88888888

Thankyou for kind reply and I hope you have a nice day

in reply to Sunshine88888888

Hi Sunshine, which day this week do you have your biopsy and laser treatment? Have your bubbles settled down at all ? You will be glad to get these last 2 procedures over and done with and hopefully you can relax for a while x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Hi Witchie it’s tomorrow! Still having the bubble show, however more relaxed about it. So gradually getting there. Hope your ok too and the lovely Lou xx

in reply to Sunshine88888888

Good luck for tomorrow then I will have everything crossed for you. I'm glad you more relaxed about your bubbles,I hope they do settle soon. Lu and I are both well, we are just in from a beach walk and she smells of crabs yuk!!! She insists on eating them and then jumping on me and covering me with fishy kisses. Let us know how you get on x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Thanks Witchie feeling slightly anxious still by the end of the day it will be done. You paint such lovely pictures if your life with Lou, can even smell the crabs 🤣xx

in reply to Sunshine88888888

No matter how many eye procedures I think we have a bit of anxiety will always creep in. Yes roll on this evening and you will be home recovering. I can still smell them too and that's after cleaning her teeth 🦀. Hugs from me and crabby kisses from Lu x

floki7 profile image

Best wishes Sennaman, hope all goes well on your journey.Good luck tomorrow Sunshine !

and Witchie, fishy kisses, my wife will not kiss me if i have been eating shellfish, thats why i have a hundredweight of prawns, cockles and mussels in the freezer ! ( on standby Ssshh ! )

in reply to floki7

Floki you are making me laugh 🤣.I hope all is good with you ? X

floki7 profile image
floki7 in reply to

Yes all good thanks Witchie, bit hot down here the past couple of days, but better than rain and cold. Hope you are keeping well, and life is good for you.

in reply to floki7

I think we've had the rain up here instead of you then. Lu has had to wear her raincoat and it makes her very cross !!! All is good thanks apart from the weather and the fact it's getting dark at 830 at night now. Rumours of a scorcher tomorrow though 🌞. Time to get ready and take Lu out for her first walk of the day 🐶

floki7 profile image

Yes nights are drawing in and darker mornings, but I do like the Autumn , enjoy your walk.

in reply to floki7

I love the Autumn too,I enjoy walking in the scrunchy leaves 😁

floki7 profile image
floki7 in reply to

Yes me too, particularly walking around Chichester harbour with the dog.

in reply to floki7

That sounds lovely and suitably fishy smelling for Lu. 😂 We are off for a doggy playdate this afternoon with my friends wee rescue dog . She's still very timid with people but this is her 5th home and she's only 2 1/2. My partner thinks he's the dog whisperer so we will see !!!!. Dogs do normally love him and yet until Lu he preferred cats 😱

floki7 profile image
floki7 in reply to

Thats nice, but sad the little dog has had 5 homes, some people rescue these dogs but have little knowledge of them, in that they may have never had a home before so need time to adjust to different smells, sounds, food and kindness, we have had our little rescue since December 20, but he still likes his safe place behind the sofa if he gets worried about something, also he is very friendly to all but when its time for bed you cant go near him as he shows his teeth at you. You just dont know whats happened to them before they were rescued. But have a lovely day with the dogs, and the dog whisperer ! lol 😉

in reply to floki7

Aww your wee dog is so lucky to have you but he still has his quirks which you work round. My friends have always had rescue dogs and have never given up on any of them,so this wee one definitely has a forever home now . I agree too many people take them on and really have no idea. My Lu is the boss and we accept that 🐕. Thank you i will have a great day

floki7 profile image
floki7 in reply to

Ah your friend is well aware of their funny ways, good news !

in reply to floki7

She is indeed .🥰

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

I love Autumn too!

in reply to Wales99

It's possibly my favourite season as long as it remains dry 😊. How's things with you ? Have your headaches finally gone and are you back at the gym ? X

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Yes mine too. Sadly no but it is early days & apparently HRT can take about 3 months to kick in. There is a slight improvement but I am still weaning off propranolol. Life has been very busy so haven’t really had a chance to get to the gym & also I wanted to give the HRT time to settle down which I think it is starting to. I had an opticians appointment- no new glasses because I still have a stitch in which is causing astigmatism and she thinks that will go once the stitch comes out & my prescription will change again. I was slightly disappointed because I wanted new glasses- I think that might be partly why I’m getting headaches and the optician seemed to think it might be too - she was very good & reassuring. I did get some funky new computer glasses because I am really struggling with the computer as I have varifocals- don’t think I’ll get those again! We had a fantastic storm here last night but it’s still very muggy here which I hate. First day back in the office today too - yikes!!! 😳. I hope all is OK with you. Xx

in reply to Wales99

Sounds like a good plan to give HRT time to kick in properly,a slight improvement is a positive start though. When will the stitch be taken out ? I have an astigmatism naturally and after my trab my prescription was so different . That's a shame you couldn't get new glasses but no point wasting money at the moment if there's a chance of any change. At least you've got your funky new computer specs for starting back in office. Hope it's not too manic a day for you and all goes well. Will you just get separate pairs then ? A couple of my friends have done that recently instead of getting new varifocals . It's very foggy here today with drizzle but very muggy too,a horrible combination.

All is good with me, my wee brother moves into his new mansion ( not really a mansion but pretty huge 😁 and we are all giving him abuse about it ) at the end of next week and it's his wee girl's 18th a fortnight later so it's a big family get together at his. It will be so good as we've not all got together since this pandemic began . Then it's my birthday at end of October so we will all do something for that too 😊. It's lovely having things to look forward to. Time to go take Lu out x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Yes I heard good reports about HRT helping migraine & the fact that my migraines started at the exact time my menopause did suggests they could be related 🤷‍♀️ Goodness knows I’ve tried everything else! If someone told me to climb a mountain & pick a rare flower I would try it! I’m hoping he will take the stitch out in December when I see him - I have discovered that my consultant is a pioneer of MIGS (minimally invasive glaucoma surgery) which is why I think he is very much leave things alone and see what happens, he said that the stitches are microscopic. Yes I’m thinking that if my prescription has changed so much in my Glaucoma eye this could be contributing to the migraines. Hopefully can get new glasses in Jan. yes I will definitely get 3 separate pairs - already it is so much easier with one computer pair. Going back into the office was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be- I got hardly any work done though because I was catching up with everyone and then we finished at 2.30 to go for a team lunch. I only have to go in one day every fortnight so not too bad at all. Wow your brother’s house sounds great. My birthday is October too so that’ll be a busy month plus we’re going to Wales at the end of September to see family & have a short break. Take care. Xx

in reply to Wales99

Let's hope the combination of HRT and new specs will definitely be the answer. I hardly ever get migraines now but I could cry every time I do, I feel so sorry for myself.Your first day back in the office sounds like a success, especially the early finish for lunch.

My stitches were all dissolvable,each consultant obviously has their own tried and tested technique but yours seems to be working well. I've read about MIGS,he's definitely sounds impressive.

My birthday is Halloween, which is my favourite day anyway as I love witches and spooks and the whole celebration. My wee bros house looks incredible, it has a gorgeous original Victorian summer house in the garden. An elderly couple owned it so it's pretty much not been touched in about 50 years !

Your end of September/ October sounds like it will be good too. X

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Yes if I got migraine now & again I could cope but every day or even a couple of times a week (i’ve had 2 this week) is debilitating- luckily triptans work for me but it’s not good to take them frequently. I really hope he takes the stitch out in Dec. I remember you said your birthday was halloween & I love all that stuff too! My birthday is mid month. The house sounds fab. Xx

in reply to Wales99

I think at my worst I was getting a migraine a week and that was way too much for me,so the amount you are having is horrific. It must affect your whole quality of life and you have definitely suffered from them way too long. Fingers crossed he does take stitch out in Dec 🤞.

I actually decorate my house for Halloween,I used to pretend it was for my son 😜but as he hasn't lived at home since he was 20 I'm not fooling anyone. X

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Well yes it can be very debilitating. Ha ha! Why not? We used to but haven’t really since my daughter went to Uni.

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