Survived second cataract op! : Hi Everyone thank... - Glaucoma UK

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Survived second cataract op!

Sunshine88888888 profile image

Hi Everyone thank you so much for all your good wishes, they certainly helped as the op went very smoothly and fingers crossed actually feels a better outcome than first round of surgery. Underway with the drop routine, seems easier this time round probably because I’ve done it before and know I can do this! I can now watch all my Scandi crime dramas and read the subtitles without glasses, fantastic! Of course having both distance lenses reading anything near to such as my phone, books and puzzles is a challenge until I can get reading glasses. Still on all my glaucoma drops, just hoping having had both cataract ops, it will have helped reduced my pressures . Guess I won’t know that until my next glaucoma appointment. Thanks again everyone what would I do without your support, can’t tell you how much I appreciate it! x

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Sunshine88888888 profile image
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127 Replies
Engima profile image

So pleased to hear everything went well for you - hope it does for me as well tomorrow! x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to Engima

Hi Engima sending you lots of hugs and good wishes for tomorrow! Before you know it you will be home, let us know how you get on, I’ll be sending lots of positive thoughts your way x

Engima profile image
Engima in reply to Sunshine88888888

Thank you very much for you good wishes. x

Engima profile image
Engima in reply to Sunshine88888888

Hi. Had my cataract op yesterday. When I removed the eye shield today, cannot see very well at all. It is worse than before the op! We just ad to take our cat to the vet for his three w weekly chemo treatment (je has stomach cancer) and I could not see the road names, which I could before. Plus when I try to read, cannot see anything not even on the computer which is some distance from me. Instead of one line of words there is a ghost image above as well. I hope things improve as the days go by. Have an appointment for follow-up next Monday so if no better will have to see what they say.

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to Engima

Oh bless you, your eyes may settle at least you have a follow up appointment on Monday. Think I might be tempted to phone the eye clinic tomorrow if your vision has not improved just to make sure. Again we all react differently, first time my eye was very blood shot, I had flashes of light, and what I describe as wobbly vision, this time none of those side effects.

My heart goes out to you with your poor cat, it must be so difficult. Bless I hope the treatment is giving some relief to your dear pet.

Let us know how you are getting on over the next few days, wish you well and your dear pet. x

Engima profile image
Engima in reply to Sunshine88888888

Thanks Sunshine. I looked it up on the NHS site and it aid could be a week or more before eyes settle down afar a cataract op. Hope is not that long though. The thing I find most disheartening is that I cannot read very well - trying a magnifying glass at the moment. I generally get through nearly a book a day...... Also of course my left eye has not been done yet and I cannot see hardly anything out of it aat the best of times. Going to try and watch a concert from Vienna that I rrecorded a few weeks back this afternoon. Will let you know how things 'progress'. x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to Engima

Enjoy listening to the concert, hope it helps you to relax. Take care x

DaisyDoolittle profile image
DaisyDoolittle in reply to Engima

dont want to worry you but after my cataract op my eye had a shadow on it when I removed the shield and my vision was blurred I found i had a detached retina so had an emergency op do please contact your consultant asap to have it checked out good luck

Engima profile image
Engima in reply to DaisyDoolittle

I had my cataract ops over a year ago!

in reply to Engima

Good luck with your op tomorrow 🤞 x

Engima profile image
Engima in reply to

Thank you for you good wishes. x

Redshoes15 profile image
Redshoes15 in reply to Engima

Best of luck for tomorrow. I’m sure all will go well and you’ll be back home before you know it - with much better eyesight! xxx

Engima profile image
Engima in reply to Redshoes15

Thanks for you good wishes. x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to Redshoes15

Hi Redshoes if there is a time you would like to meet just let me know x

Redshoes15 profile image
Redshoes15 in reply to Sunshine88888888

Hi Sunshine, I can do any day next week. How about Monday 2/8 or Wednesday 4/8 for coffee?? xx

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to Redshoes15

How about Weds 4th at Sea Horse 11am ? Any good x

Redshoes15 profile image
Redshoes15 in reply to Sunshine88888888

That sounds great - see you then. Will keep an eye on the weather for that day as anything is possible! Looking forward to it and so pleased to hear your good news about the op xxx

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to Redshoes15

I’ll be in yellow ! 🤣

Redshoes15 profile image
Redshoes15 in reply to Sunshine88888888

Brilliant! I would wear trademark red shoes but heels are too high for walking to the Sea Horse. I’ll look out for you - go inside if it’s raining xx

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to Redshoes15

Ha ha love it see you there! xx

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to Engima

Hope all goes well. 😊

Glad to hear it went well Sunshine and fingers crossed it has helped with your eye pressure too. Relax and enjoy your crime dramas x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Thanks Witchie raining here today so never feel too bad about staying in and watching TV. Hope you are enjoying your weekend. It was my surgeons last day at my eye hospital he’s off to Glasgow for five years to become a consultant. Bless him he is so nervous of the change from moving from the south coast and being able to understand everyone’s accent! He’s actually from Egypt, really lovely person. I told him he would find everyone friendly and the country beautiful! x

in reply to Sunshine88888888

Curled up on sofa watching TV is best thing for you today, don't be doing anything you shouldn't !!!.Still lovely and sunny here although that's to change on Tuesday .

Glasgow accents can be pretty hard to understand but Glaswegians are generally very friendly indeed. I'm sure he will soon fit in.

My weekend has been very chilled, I haven't cooked all weekend and we've just lazed around the garden or walked Lu. X

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Sounds brilliant 😊x

in reply to Sunshine88888888

Yes especially the no cooking ha ha 😉 x

Hi Sunshine88888888 im so glad all went well for you. Enjoy your Scandi Dramas. Sending Hugs. Enjoy Sunday. Xxx

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Thank you so much, enjoy your Sunday too x

Lovemy2woofs profile image

So lovely to hear your positive news , hope the pressure has gone down , but in meantime , relax and enjoy your Scandi crime dramas x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to Lovemy2woofs

Thank you 🙏 x

Redshoes15 profile image

So pleased it has gone well. Enjoy the rest and hope to see you soon xx

Beecalmed profile image

Ah that’s fantastic news! 🙂

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to Beecalmed

Thank you 🙏 x

Wales99 profile image

So pleased it all went well for you. Take it easy now 😊 x

in reply to Wales99

Have you started taking the propranolol again and if so has it got rid of those horrible migraines? Hope you've had a good weekend and not too much sunshine ☺️.

I'm now going to water the garden and do a big ironing!!!! 🙄.

My partner has escaped on his motorbike and gone camping overnight, so I'm going to binge watch last season of Van Helsing on Netflix 🦇 x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Ha ha! Yes funnily enough I was just thinking about that. Started them on Thursday & so far haven’t had one 🤞. Long may it continue. Hopefully on Wednesday my consultant can reassure me that it’s OK to continue. Although his bedside manner is not the best he does always answer my questions. You made me laugh when you said water the garden. We’ve had torrential downpours & thunderstorms all day 😂. Ooh Van Helsing - we’ve just started that. Really enjoying it. In fact we are about to eat dinner & watch it. Enjoy! 😊 xx

in reply to Wales99

That's great no migraines, definitely long may it continue. Fingers crossed your consultant does say it's ok to continue and though his manner is lacking he will answer your questions. My poor tubs are parched and my cottage is like a sauna, I can't get to sleep at night it's so hot. I think we have your weather and you have ours at the moment.

Van Helsing is great and it stays that way all the way through. I'm just in from walking Lu so I will fit another couple of episodes in before bed 😋 x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Yes we had that weather earlier, not pleasant but although it’s raining & stormy here it’s still quite muggy. I love the rain but I hate humidity. 😂. We’re never satisfied. Really enjoying Van Helsing so pleased to hear it continues to be good. Xx

in reply to Wales99

Good luck with your appointment tomorrow, nice low eye pressure please 🤞x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Thank you 😊. Yes I’m really hoping so but it is what it is. Nothing I can do about it unfortunately.

in reply to Wales99

Very pragmatic and unfortunately true. I'm heading out to wishing tree with my friend n Lu so I will be making a huge amount of wishes all of which better come 😁 x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Aww bless you that’s so kind. I hope it works! 🙏 xx

in reply to Wales99

Wishes made x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Thank you 😊 x

in reply to Wales99

I'm trying to figure out how to put a pic of wishing tree on post. Grrr I hate technology 😫 x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

I’m usually quite good but I don’t find this site very user-friendly in that respect. It’s quite clunky. I tried to update my profile pic & it just wouldn’t accept it. Kept changing it back to the default. Oh - I’ve just seen a button underneath this reply- where you’ve got the emojis, etc - it’s the square with what looks like a house in it. If you click that it gives you the option to upload a picture- try that.

in reply to Wales99

Thank you I've managed to add it I think 🥴. Is that your wee cat in your profile now? So gorgeous. X

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Ha ha! Yes I had a play around. Yes my idiot cat. She’s quite poorly atm actually. Hopefully nothing serious. There’s always something isn’t there. My daughter’s having trouble with the rental agency where she’s rented her flat through for next term. We’re currently in discussions with them trying to sort it. Hey-hi what does not kill us makes us stronger. 😉. Xx

in reply to Wales99

I think pets are as big a worry as children, I hope she is on the mend soon. She's very pretty .There is definitely always something, and it is never just one problem at a time. The joys of being a grown up !!!

I hope you get the issue with the rental agency sorted out, I remember when my son was renting it was a total nightmare, it was one problem after another and trying to get the deposit back was even worse.

I feel at this age I'm strong enough ha ha and a problem free life would be just wonderful 😂 x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Yes I’m hoping it’s nothing serious- the vet’s done blood tests and they were fine. I’m sure we’ll get it sorted with the lease Oh we’d be bored if we had a problem free life 😉😂. Xx

in reply to Wales99

How old is your wee cat ? That's positive that nothing showed up in blood tests, has the vet carried out other tests ? I long for boredom ha ha.

The other night we had had a lovely day,a wee meal from the deli and then the phone rings and it's our son who can't get his kitchen window closed. He's one floor up but there's a roof garden at the rear where his kitchen is. He was all set to force the window but his poor dad ends up driving 120 miles there and back and luckily manages to fix the issue with the double glazing. So no chance of boredom in this household 😜 x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

She was a rescue but we’ve had her from a kitten so we think she’s about 11. She’s been fussy with her food, being sick & barely eating one day then eating loads the next day. I immediately thought thyroid & so did the vet so we were both surprised when the tests were normal. Next thing is an abdominal scan but I want to talk to him first & get his opinion. Ha ha! Yes- never a dull moment with kids. Xx

in reply to Wales99

Aww poor wee girl,that is worrying ,I hope the vet gets to the bottom of it soon. It's the fact they can't tell us how they are feeling . I feel totally sick when there's anything wrong with Lu. Our vet is great, I've had the same vet for all my dogs so that's nearly 40 years . X

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

She seems OK in herself that’s the weird thing. We were feeding her Felix & they changed the recipe which is when it started. I’ve taken her off it & she seems a bit better- I’ve since found out a lot of cats have been affected by the recipe change. Yes we’ve had the same vet since we moved here 19 years ago but they changed hands a few years ago. However I like this vet better than the last one! Yes it’s always a worry with animals- I could never be a vet! X

in reply to Wales99

That's so odd I wonder what they have changed in recipe that's had this affect and what made them change it in the first place. I hope she perks up soon. No I could never be a vet either. I used to work with a bloke whose wife was a vet and he never knew how many new animals he was going home to. X

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Purina are saying they haven’t changed anything except removed artificial colourings but it seems odd so many cats have been affected, including my sister’s cat and she lives in a completely different area to me.

in reply to Wales99

Mmm that seems very strange indeed . Poor wee cats . I hope your wee one does perk up soon.I am a bit of a maniac with Lu's food and treats I must admit and all my friends are scared to buy her treats so she has lots of toys instead 🐕. X

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Ha ha! Yes I can understand. To me animals are family. Sometimes better than family 😉.

in reply to Wales99

I agree Lupin is definitely family, she has no idea she's a dog 🐕 x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Had my appointment. All good. Pressure is settled at 10. He says I can get new glasses now but it’s only been 8 weeks so may wait a bit longer. The only very slight annoyance is that he’s prescribed mild steroid drops for me to continue with until I see him again (December). I was hoping to stop them completely but I’m not that disappointed- better to be safe than sorry. I spoke to him about the propranolol and all too long to type out but he’s going to speak to the Neurologist & get him to see me again. I’m still hoping that once I get new glasses they may stop. 🤞.

in reply to Wales99

Oh brilliant news that's a great pressure 😁I was told to wait 12 weeks for my specs which I did and what a difference they have made. My friend was kept on steroids for months too by his consultant, I guess they all have their own way of doing things. Caution is definitely preferable when it comes to our eyes. At least he's speaking to neurologist which is probably best. All in all a good day 😄 x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Yes I’ve read 3 months for glasses. He said there are still some microscopic stitches in as well and he doesn’t want to remove them until December so I don’t want to get new glasses now & then find it changes again in a few months. I will definitely wait a bit longer I think.

in reply to Wales99

It was my consultant who told me 12 weeks for glasses after trab, I was a bit longer, I was putting it off as I was scared my eye pressure was going to be high. The change in my prescription was huge but I can see brilliantly now,well central vision at least.😄All my stitches were dissolvable !!

I would have waited till after second trab if I had known it would be so soon. I'm not going to buy new glasses I will just get a new lens for left eye. X

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Yes I’m surprised mine said now for new glasses but as I say I think it’s because my vision isn’t great. I’m going to wait a bit longer though. I always think of you when I do the eye test because I remember you saying that yours was really good & I struggle to see even the top line! 😂. I’m hoping that will improve when I get new glasses. Have you got a date for your 2nd op? I can’t remember.

in reply to Wales99

All consultants have their own way of doing things I think. It could well like you say as your vision isn't great. I can read the very bottom line easily with my new glasses so fingers crossed yours make a big difference too.

No date yet, I got a letter from hospital other day saying I was on waiting list. Last time he operated on me the very first day eye ops were allowed again but this time I don't think I'm such a priority . He did say within 2 months . X

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Yes I don’t think I’ll be reading to the bottom line - I couldn’t before the op but I could certainly read down a lot further than I can now so hopefully that will improve. Well yes I think you did say that your other eye wasn’t so urgent. Hopefully you will get a date soon. X

in reply to Wales99

Fingers crossed new glasses help you read further down, they should as your prescription I'm guessing like mine will have changed completely. My left eye is my good eye with only mild vision loss which I would like to keep that way 🤞

Off to meet my son for lunch as his girlfriend has ended their relationship, he seems fine but would rather see him in person . X

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Hoping glasses will help with left eye, with new lens I can now get to second line down which actually is an improvement! Hope lunch goes well with your son, what a lovely mum you are! It really pulls at your heart when you what your youngsters are going through x

in reply to Sunshine88888888

Fingers crossed your new glasses will help, it was 6 weeks before I got glasses after cataract ops too and it did make a difference for me. My son assures me he is ok but I do need to make sure. I think as he's my only child I probably am much worse than if I had 10 😄 x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Tell me about it! I think my daughter wishes she had lots of siblings at times! With my child your whole focus goes on them. My daughter has three boys, she was determined to have a larger family, I’m so lucky to have three grandsons too! They are my life. Enjoy your lunch and spending time with your son xx

in reply to Sunshine88888888

My son likes having me all to himself ha ha. I'm one of four, all younger brothers and I've always loved being the big sister and still do 😄.With one child I agree they are your whole focus and I'm not sure that's a good thing at times.

3 grandsons are definitely a blessing, I've been granny to a budgie and 2 hamsters so far ha ha x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Ha ha all very good practice!!!! No nappy changing then 🤣I do feel sorry for my daughter a lot of the time, think I’m quite a handful to cope with! 🤣

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Yes I am wondering if that’s what is causing the headaches. Yes my left eye is my good eye. My right eye is really quite bad, if my left eye was as bad as my right I would really struggle. Oh no that’s a shame, had they been together long? Yes always better to see them in person I think in those circumstances. We’ve had many dramas lately with my daughter & her boyfriend & housemates. Trouble is they haven’t had a “normal” life. They’ve been stuck together in one house & it’s far too intense at that age. She says it’s like Love Island! Hope he’s OK. XX

in reply to Wales99

It would be great if new glasses did the trick and stopped your headaches, it just drains the life out of you having constant headaches. I had them daily every single day for months prior to seeing my consultant, low grade ones that never went and it was only when I was put on eye drops I realised how bad I had been feeling,I had gotten so used to feeling rubbish 🥴.No he's only been seeing her for about 6 months but from their first date that was it they just fell for each other. She's not being doing well emotionally the last few weeks and he's been extra busy at work, bad combination so she ended it. My boy isn't a keep your emotions in sort of male ,he's great at saying how he feels but he's just so sensitive it's a big worry. I need to see him,give him a cuddle and make sure he's ok.

When your children have their ups and downs in their love life it's much worse than when you were in those situations yourself. I like the " Love Island " analogy but yes far too intense. I just want a happy healthy child that's it, the same as us all I'm sure x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Oh bless him well at least he talks about it - my daughter is like her dad & bottles everything up - not healthy 🙄. Yes headaches are the worst. I would rather give birth another 10 times than have those awful headaches. I still think it could be eye related because like you, they stopped when I was on Glaucoma meds. Although that could be because they were beta blockers.

in reply to Wales99

Headaches are definitely the one thing I can't stand. I occasionally have a headache now and I haven't had a migraine probably since I started eye drops . If I do get a headache I do immediately think it's my eye pressure 😱My son has always been a talker like all my family apart from my poor dad who was a very quiet man and funnily enough I ended up with the silent type too. 😁

I do agree that bottling things up is not remotely healthy. X

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

So agree and know you are both right however I’m a positive on the outside and bottle it up on the inside kinda person. It’s definitely doing me no good at all, however I’m still searching a way to let loose. Any suggestions welcome 🤣

in reply to Sunshine88888888

I have always just showed all my drama and then once it's out there I calm down, that works for me. I only behave that way to my nearest and dearest though, everyone else thinks I'm lovely and normal !!! I'm not remotely normal 😜.You definitely just need to let it go,although my friend always says "fake it till you make it" ,but she's still the most neurotic person I know so I don't think it works x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

I wear my heart on my sleeve. What you see is what you get with me. Gets me in a lot of trouble at times! I have enough emotion for my husband & daughter 😂. I’ve just got my neurologist appointment through- it’s for 11th August which I thought seemed ages away & then looked & realised it’s just under two weeks so not bad at all.

in reply to Wales99

I think my son and I probably make my partner want to dig a hole and hide in it sometimes , even the dog is a diva 🤣.Yes the 11th is not far off at all, brilliant and hopefully he will give you positive news and your pressure will stay down and joy all round . X

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

I really hope so but this has been going on for so long now (5 years) i’ve Almost given up hope.

in reply to Wales99

I do hope but unfortunately I do know sometimes they really don't have a clue. My partner was diagnosed with atypical migraines as they really have no idea and that was after attending a migraine clinic. He has painkillers, injections and other pills he has to take when he feels one coming on. Fingers crossed for you tho.x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to Wales99

I was treated for severe migraines for five years before I was finally diagnosed with Glaucoma well that was after they had sent me for a brain scan and other neurological tests. I did get an apology from an eye consultant when it was finally diagnosed for missing the signs of my type of glaucoma. On the day if diagnosis I had immediate laser surgery and from that day twenty years ago not had a headache let alone a migraine. The consultants still say it is a coincidence and not related however in the last year I have had a few headaches ending up with emergency cataract ops , so for me headaches have always been a warning sign. Strange how life goes 🤣

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to Sunshine88888888

Yes same with me. I thought I’d found the answer with the glaucoma diagnosis but they have come back 😞. Although I am hoping it is still eye related & once everything settles down from the op & I get new glasses it will all go away again. I never got an apology & I complained to the NHS trust that first treated me & diagnosed migraines & I think because I complained they got twitchy & started saying that the headaches weren’t related even though at first diagnosis they said they almost certainly were 🙄.

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to Wales99

I ended up in my local A&E thinking my eye was going to come out if it’s socket! Still I got sent home with a flea in my ear for coming to A&E from my local doctor saying I had a migraine! Two years after that I was diagnosed and told it was a miracle I didn’t lose my sight that night. I never want to experience those years again! The consultant who finally diagnosed glaucoma after seeing me two years running I may add, said my headaches were due to high blood pressure, stress, at being a teacher! My heart sank as he sent me away and then for some reason called me back and and looked again and then apologised. He said he had only seen 8 cases like mine in 28 years, it was rare form of glaucoma and so that was the start of my journey. At least I got a diagnosis so I was over the moon! Especially as the migraines went, now if I get a headache which lingers over days I phone the eye clinic x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to Sunshine88888888

Yes my heart sank when the first Neurologist I saw sent me away with beta blockers & then when I went for my follow up with her& said I was still getting the migraines after exercise she told me to up the dose. They just throw drugs at you to shut you up. 🙄.

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to Wales99

Oh wow really good news! My eye was 10 two weeks after op, when measured again last week it was 15. Just hope pressures aren’t on the way up again. I was told six weeks for eye check up and new glasses, do you think that’s too soon? Definitely don’t want to be changing glasses too many times 🤣

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to Sunshine88888888

It can take a while to settle I think. I can’t remember- did you have a trabeculectomy or cataract? I’m not sure with glasses- on Glaucoma UK leaflet it says that it can take up to 3 months to settle down & you shouldn’t get new glasses before that but my consultant said today that I could. That may be because my eye is still a bit blurry & he didn’t seem to think this would change but I’m not so sure. I still have stitches in & I think steroid drops can make it blurry. Yes like you say, don’t want to be changing glasses too often - they cost an arm & a leg! 😂.

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to Wales99

I don’t know if you have heard about this. Hope link opens x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to Sunshine88888888

Hello. Thank you for that it did work. Yes I had heard. That was awful and was causing pancytopenia in cats which is fatal. This illness which seems to be caused by Felix is much less serious but nasty all the same. It seems to cause sickness, diarrhoea, lethargy and seems to affect their fur. Mine is definitely a lot better since I stopped Felix completely. Honestly they are more of a worry than children.

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to Wales99

Oh gosh I so know what you mean x

Sunshine88888888 profile image

Thank you 🙏😊

balacakkhu profile image

Very pleased to know about your successful operations. You can sort out the near vision - reading glass later easily when the inflammation is settled down in a few weeks. With best wishes.

Eahldt profile image

Excellent news. It's always good to read some positive stories.

floki7 profile image

Good to hear, well done, you can start to enjoy life again without that nagging feeling of eye ops, that keep popping up !

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to floki7

Fingers crossed the cataract ops reduce my pressures! Just have biopsy on lower eye lid in September and laser treatment needed on left eye and then if they both go well wow won’t know myself! By Christmas all should be sorted including new glasses 😊

in reply to floki7

Hi Floki how's life with you,all good I hope ? I'm getting another trab within next couple of month 🥴. It's my big birthday in October so I would love to be drop free for then 🤞. Weather up here as been too hot for Lu but today that's it to change its overcast but still humid but weather warnings for rain and thunderstorms!!!!

I'm going out for long walk now while it's still dry 😃.

floki7 profile image
floki7 in reply to

Hello Witchie, good to hear from you, that would be great if you can get drop free by your birthday, so fingers crossed for you ! We have had a few storms here latest last night, and i work part time in our village hall so at 2am the alarm was going so over i go, pitch black apart from lightening to find a fly set the alarm off, great fun .... not ! I have my big 70 on the 13th, was having a small get together, but she has arranged a bigger party round my sons house, which i dont know about !! lol. Sunshine and showers now, but cooler, which is fine. Enjoy your walk, and maybe an ice cream, go on you deserve it ! Take care

in reply to floki7

Oh poor you not what you want to be doing at 2am, a fly that's funny but obviously not for you at the time.I hope you have been practicing your oh I'm so surprised face 😱. How lovely though,you definitely deserve a big party 😁and big presents. I've started dropping hints already and telling my nearest and dearest only jewellery is acceptable and I'm hoping they are gullible enough to agree .

Ice cream could possibly be on the agenda 😜

floki7 profile image
floki7 in reply to

Yes surprised face and words are being practised lol ! You are like me, put an innocent remark to them and let them think it was their idea, can't go wrong then lol yes I dropped a few hints regarding presents, little boat or camper van as I would like to tour around the whole coast of the UK, knowing my luck it will probably be a book, touring the UK coastline !! Just enjoying a choc ice now.

in reply to floki7

You are definitely on the same wavelength as me 😁. I will hope for a campervan for you as it can be used all year round, I'm all about practical. I do like a choc ice 😋

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Hi Witchie good news that you have another SLT coming up and before your birthday, even better! Definitely cooler down here, however apparently another heat wave it’s on its way! Enjoy your walk with Lu to the wishing tree. Guess your partner got safely back from his camping trip, hopefully you and Lu made the most of the peace and quiet. I really should go for a walk but my eyes feel a little sore today, well that’s my excuse! Enjoy your day x

in reply to Sunshine88888888

You will think I'm daft as I sent you a message further down this post . It's a trab I'm having so yes I would like it done before my birthday. I'm just back from wishing tree and wishes made for all my friends on here, yourself obviously included. I actually took a pic of tree for you. Are your eyes gritty sore or throbbing sore ? I remember mine did feel gritty a few days in.

Yes my partner returned safe and sound, I actually hate when he's away on his bike but it's his happy place so I don't make a fuss, he knows he has to txt when he gets to his destination and let me know he's safe.

I've been out most of afternoon and I guess I better make some dinner now.

Hope your eye feels more comfortable later x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Bless you for thinking of me and sending photo of the wishing tree which I totally love 💗 my eyes feel really tired, think it’s because I have distance lenses and I keep trying to read things such as my phone close to 🤣

in reply to Sunshine88888888

It's quite difficult until you can get your proper prescription for your glasses. I was using glasses that were so wrong for me for months and getting new ones made all the difference. The tree normally has a lovely little stream running down through it but with the weather it's dried up completely. There's a wee altar in between the branches where you leave your little offerings. It's lovely and peaceful along there and we usually have a wee picnic. Rest your tired eyes x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Oh wow even more magical x

in reply to Sunshine88888888

Wishing tree

Wishing tree
Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Oh wow it looks absolutely magical 💖

floki7 profile image
floki7 in reply to

Thank you

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to floki7

Hi I floki7 just read you have your 70th coming up! Sounds exciting! (And Witchie346 too! big birthday not sure if it’s 70th though)my 70th is coming up, I too would love a camper van, one day I want to tour the coastline of the U.K.! I was also interested in the Van Heisling mention, is it on Netflix? x

floki7 profile image
floki7 in reply to Sunshine88888888

Hi Sunshine, may see you on the open road one day, I will keep my eyes peeled for you, well the good one at least lol ! Not sure about Van Heisling on Netflix but think it is on Prime but pay for.

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to floki7

Thanks floki7 I’ll have a look 🙏

in reply to Sunshine88888888

It's my 60th on Halloween 😱. Yikes how did that happen. All 5 seasons of Van Helsing on Netflix, I love it . I only have a couple of episodes left to go. How is your eye feeling ? Good I hope x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Bless 60 a mere youngster! I remember being 60 and thinking OMG and then suddenly 10 years have flown by 🤣

in reply to Sunshine88888888

I honestly still feel 30, it's just a number at the end of the day 🥴 x

Great news ay really happy all is well for you 😀 We have Scandi crime drama The Killing on free tv in NZ, I've seen the American version but might be time to check out the original as I've heard it's great. Hope your pressures are behaving by your next appointment 🤞

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Hi sguy1823Thank you for your support, I too really hope my pressures are under better control. I loved The Killing, it was brilliant, have you watched The Bridge, or Nordic Murders all great 😊

in reply to Sunshine88888888

Hi Sunshine88888888, you're welcome :-) No I haven't seen any really but love crime drama and my vision is at the point where subtitles are only slightly blurry. I'm on season 3 of Nashville atm 😁 but once I've watched the whole 7 hopefully I'm clear and can get into those Scandi ones ay

Sunshine88888888 profile image

I’m just hooked on crime dramas, there are just so many to watch 🤣

in reply to Sunshine88888888

Bingeing a great series is one of the best forms of escape ay, especially when there's lots of intrigue/mystery involved. Do you mostly watch them on Netflix?

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Here in the U.K. I watch mainly on Iplayer or Channel 4. Are there good series to watch on Netflix?

For some reason NZ Netflix has a different lineup than other countries and to be honest it's not great. The last crime show I watched was The Serpent and was a bit disappointed, have you seen that one?

Sunshine88888888 profile image

Yes I’ve seen that, not brilliant however based on a true story. I do watch some things on Netflix not always easy to find something lived Criminal Minds, can’t believe they are not making any more! Also Homeland , have you watched those

in reply to Sunshine88888888

Yes I used to watch Criminal Minds a lot ay shame that it was cancelled but to be fair they started repeating a few storylines with copycat killers etc. Also a big fan of Homeland I haven't actually seen season 8 thanks for reminding me to watch 😃

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Enjoy 😊

Ktpink profile image

Hi Sunshine, just read your post, well done you! So glad all went well for you xo

Sunshine88888888 profile image

Thank you 🙏 onward and upward 😊

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