Update from Sunshine : I had a thought, as you... - Glaucoma UK

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Update from Sunshine

Sunshine88888888 profile image

I had a thought, as you do that I ought to contact the eye clinic and pose the following question - I have been given two dates, July 13th for biopsy on lower right eyelid and July 23rd for cataract on right eye, so is it ok to have the both procedures so close?

The consultant phoned and said if I had gone ahead with the biopsy and turned up for the cataract op, he would not have operated!

Thank goodness the thought occurred to me! However my concern is how is this possible? Is it my responsibility to ensure procedures don’t clash?????

The hospital phoned yesterday and I now have an appointment for the biopsy on September 7th, which fingers crossed will go ahead. Still need laser on my left eye after cataract op, which I know is very straightforward.

Grateful that all is sorted once again, just exhausted from having to do the sorting!

Hope you are all ok, on this rainy day from West Sussex x

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Sunshine88888888 profile image
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29 Replies
Engima profile image

One couldn't make it up if they tried! What a good thing it was you rang up to inquire but one shouldn't have to really. All the best for Tuesday. x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to Engima

Thank you 🙏

Definitely not your responsibility Sunshine,thank goodness you are so proactive, unfortunately because you have had to be . It definitely is mentally exhausting, the thought of the procedures are bad enough on their own, you don't need the additional stress. Many people would not have questioned it and been very upset when told they weren't getting their cataract op. You can take a deep breathe and try to relax now .

All good in sunny Scotland . I'm about to make a big fry up ( mostly grilled) for my son before he goes home. X

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Ah bless is he off soon, you will miss him when he’s gone. Hope your ok? Rain here again today. Take care xx

in reply to Sunshine88888888

I will miss him but it's his birthday in couple of weeks and it's a 3 day event !!! So I will be up at his from sat till mon 😁. I'm good thank you. How are things with you apart from the latest debacle ? X

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Oh wow party time! Something to really look forward to! I’m always up to something, changed my car recently so that’s sorted now I’m looking at moving and considering possibility of granny annex with my daughter and family. Just fact finding at the moment! Keep asking Universe to give me a sign so let’s see what happens. Just spoken to my daughter and son in law, so first steps, my daughter wants me to have cataract op and biopsy before putting my house on the market, which is probably wise. Take care x

in reply to Sunshine88888888

I hope no rampaging squirrels get anywhere near your new car !!!A granny annex sounds ideal and if the housing market is anything like up here your cottage will sell in no time. Here they are selling for crazy amounts and within days. Getting your eyes sorted out first seems sensible. Fingers crossed you get that sign soon x

Redshoes15 profile image

Best of luck with your cataract op Sunshine. I’m sure all will go well. Glad you sorted out the mix up! Sounds like left hand not knowing what the right is doing ..... xx

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to Redshoes15

Thank you so much fingers crossed all goes smoothly. Hope your well and eyes are ok, take care x

muddledme profile image

Interested in your problems, I do hope all goes well eventually.

I have experienced many medical anomalies over many years. It has caused me to always question things. I find the medics are often surprised when asked , so I usually either say that I do not understand or when obvious, perhaps a mistake has been made somewhere .As I get older it seems easier to stand my ground.

It can be worrying and often seems to take a long time to sort out. A few days ago I asked if I could have some gel or ointment for my post op dry eyes. The G.P told me he would prescribe something without preservatives, but in fact gave me a gel containing benzalkonium chloride, this preservative gives me very sore eyes.

Glaucoma UK have so much useful information on line and also in their excellent regular magazine which has helped me so much , as has this website.

Sadly I think much of the problem is lack of staff, also at the G.P surgery it seems to be lack of knowledge and sometimes in hospital it is too rushed.

Everyone makes mistakes, so I feel that is up to us to be ready to read everything carefully and try and pre- empt the problems as you have done.

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to muddledme

You are so right everyone particularly those working for the NHS are under so much pressure, I respect and admire them all however we have to be on our toes to ask questions and check whenever we are concerned or unsure. Thank you replying, take care

Hi Sunshine88888888 glad you got everything sorted. Really shouldn’t have been up to you but at least like you say you had concerns. Hope your having a lovely weekend. Chat soon xx

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Hi there fingers crossed all sorted 😊 family came over today which was great, exhausted now! Hope you are enjoying your weekend too! x

Lovemy2woofs profile image

It’s worrying enough without having unnecessary pressures about appts clashing etc.... that’s not the patients responsibility .So much now is put back on the patient , we are not medically trained , that’s why we go to them .

Hope everything goes well for you now without anymore issues 🤞🏻 Sending positive vibes and good luck wishes x

Redshoes15 profile image

Whereabouts in West Sussex are you? I am in East Preston, near Littlehampton. 😊

Sunshine88888888 profile image

Really! I’m in Rustington, that’s amazing! x

Redshoes15 profile image

It certainly is! We should meet for a coffee (or decaf tea!) and a matter.Let me know if you would like to exchange addresses etc. Xx

Redshoes15 profile image

Sorry meant to say matter not matter. Must be my bad eyes!!

Redshoes15 profile image

natter - can’t type either!

Sunshine88888888 profile image

Do you the Sea Horse Cafe East Preston? Maybe we could meet there for a cuppa? x

in reply to Sunshine88888888

Oh that's lovely you live near to each other and can meet up for a blether 😃 x

Redshoes15 profile image
Redshoes15 in reply to Sunshine88888888

Yes I know the Sea Horse and often go there. That would be lovely. I’m recovering from a horrible cold/ sinusitis this week, let’s fix something when I am better. We’ll pick a nice day as it’s lovely down there in the sunshine - and summer weather is meant to be coming! Looking forward to it xx

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to Redshoes15

Great! Take care and who you are better soon x

Sunshine88888888 profile image

Well once my life is sorted, ha ha, however on my agenda is to travel around Scotland! My dad was from Blantyre, we only visited a couple of times and never travelled around. I watch all travel programs, and follow on fb sites re Scotland. So one day, you never know we could visit the wishing tree together 😘

Sunshine88888888 profile image

Just realised it wasn’t Blantyre it was Burnbank! x

in reply to Sunshine88888888

I know Burbank is in Lanarkshire it was a wee mining village, I was actually born outside Stirling in a wee mining village too. You definitely should come to Scotland once you've got all your eye procedures out the way and have decided on your living arrangements. You would be welcome to come to the wishing tree with Lu and I.

My son's new flat actually has an old witching well behind it, you can actually see it from his balcony. I'm so fascinated by everything like that x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

My grandfather was a miner, sadly I think I might have met him only the once. Wow a witching well, amazing! Yes I’m really interested too! One of these days, now a witching well to see too! 🤣xx

in reply to Sunshine88888888

There were so many wee mining villages dotted all over Scotland, that's interesting your grandpa was a miner, it was a hard life that's for sure.Paisley where my son lives was actually where the last mass witch executions were carried out in Europe in 1637ish. The hanging and burning spot is marked by the witching well.

Scotland has lots of great witchy history especially Edinburgh, my birthday is Halloween and one year we went for a midnight witch tour, I loved it. I'm sure you would love that too x

Sunshine88888888 profile image
Sunshine88888888 in reply to

Oh wow that would be amazing ! xx

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