After having had an awful week with my right eye, managed to get an appointment yesterday at the eye clinic, but only with a senior nurse. After lots of tests and a scan, she seems to think there isn't anything to worry about. The reflections around the eye that I have been experiencing, particularly at night, she reckons should stop once the brain has got used to them! Meaning that once the brain is used to them, I will not see them any more even they are still there! Apparently it is because of the shape of the lens and some people get the problem and others do not. She gave me a sample of Xailin Night to try for dry eye but the leaflet doesn't say if I put them in after the glaucoma drops or before. I guess after but do not want to make a mistake. All the leaflet says is to leave 30 minutes between any other drops one may be taking. Any advice would be welcome please. None o.f this though has addressed the reason why my right eye is blurry, nor if it is possible to have astigmatism correction after the cataract op as it was not done in the right eye, but was in the left after my cataract op two weeks ago. Plus to ask if SLT would suit me and if so would I still have to have eye drops as all the ones I have tried so far have given me problems with burnings tinging etc even though they have all been preservative free. Next appointment is at the end of October and I was told by the person I saw yesterday that a consultant should always be there at the eye hub (as she called it) and one only has to ask and they will come and answer any questions that one feels haven't been addressed by the junior/trainee doctors on duty. I can only try asking and hope that I can see a consultant who hopefully will be able to answer the questions I am still not satisfied have been addressed.
Dry eye gel for night time: After having had an... - Glaucoma UK
Dry eye gel for night time

Hi Enigma
Re the blurriness in your eye.
Sometimes after a lens replacement the capsule can become blurry. It`s called posterior capsular opacification if you want to look it up.
It happened to me but it`s easily corrected by laser treatment. A quick straightforward procedure carried out in the eye clinic outpatients dept.
Mine was clear straight away after the procedure.
It may not be this but might be worth asking your consultant
Hope this helps.
Lynne xx
Thanks Lynne. I did see this mentioned when I Googled the complaint. Yes it was the first eye I had done the cataract op was just over 8 weeks ago so do not know if this sort of thing occurs straightaway or years later. If it doesn't clear up before my next appointment at end of October I will certainly mention it to the doctor.
Xailin Night or similar ointment is the last thing you put in your eye before you go to bed. It's gooey like petroleum jelly and obscures your vision significantly. Administer any other drops prior to this and give them enough time to work, as the ointment might wash the drops out of your eye. I've seen suggestions that 15 minutes or so is about right.

Thanks. I did try it last night and luckily put it in after the other drops - left it about 30 minutes. Not sure if I got enough in however as the eye didn't go that blurry but will put a bit more in tonight!
There's definitely a knack to it. I pull down my eyelid and squeeze about 1cm in, then with my hand resting on my cheek, tilt my head right back keeping the tube over the eye, then pull it away and blink, still with my head tilted back. There may be other methods but this is what works best for me.
Hi Engima. Sorry for a late reply. The Xailin drops can be put in your eye before or after your glaucoma drops as long as you leave 30 minutes time gap. I would however recommend you put them in 30 minutes after your glaucoma drops, so it will help keep your eyes moist during the night.
The nurse is quite correct, that sometimes people do get this reflection image following cataract surgery but it usually settles down. The blurriness could very well be caused by dry eyes, so give the Xailin time, to see if there is any improvement by using it, before your next appointment.
Depending on what type of glaucoma you have and whether your eye consultant thinks it would be worth trying SLT, is whether it would be suitable for you. No harm in asking. It works for some people and not others. It can mean that you may be able to do without drops or reduce the amount of drops but no guarantees can be given. It very much depends on if it has lowered the pressure and by how much.

Hi Helen, thanks for your advice. Luckily I have been using the Xalin 30 minutes after the Monopost and so far things seem a little better. I am continuing to use the day time dry eye drops as well. As for the reflection images, hope you are right and that it will settle down and go away soon. Had to walk somewhere in the dark two nights ago and the reflection from the street lamps was not good at all! I am definitely going to ask about SLT when I have my next appointment at the end of October. Would be great if it worked and I didn't have to use the eye drops. Have a good weekend.