Hi has anyone recently had a cataract operatio... - Glaucoma UK

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Hi has anyone recently had a cataract operation to help with their glaucoma?

Sunshine8888 profile image
25 Replies

I’m due to have op on Wednesday May 26th and would love to talk to anyone who has recently had surgery

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Sunshine8888 profile image
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25 Replies

Hi Sunshine I had mine 18 months ago . I was wondering how you were and was actually going to contact you nearer your op date. I hope you are doing ok? Your reply about Specialist Drs was very illuminating as I had never heard of them. X

Sunshine8888 profile image
Sunshine8888 in reply to

The last couple of weeks have been a nightmare with the root canal and abscess, then this week was Mammogram, another dental visit and then chasing up hospital, doctors surgery and pharmacist. In a better place now, got all medications again it has taken almost two weeks and chase up calls but I’ve done it! I have my COVID vac on Monday, the following Monday the pre op COVID swab and whatever else they have to do prior to op. Apparently that’s the day I will get info re the op and if I have any questions I can ask on the morning of the op. I’ve had to get my head round that accept that’s the way it is and pray my questions will be answered. The op is on my left eye to reduce pressure, however my left eye has always been a lazy eye so I’m not sure if the replacement lens will help with vision as well as pressure. Also the nurse said there will only be a follow up phone call my pressure will not be monitored so again I’ve got to have faith that everything will be ok. I was little taken back when she asked if I was ok taking eye drops as I would need to take 4 per day. Had to laugh as I’m taking 9 per day in each eye now! Also she said I would have to wait for optician appointment 6 weeks after op to be tested for driving again. I was so upset by this I must admit I had no idea and thought people drive with one eye, anyway that’s what she said so another question for clarification. Sorry my answer has been epic! I’m calmer now how do some people especially very elderly cope bless them, it’s been a struggle for me and I have yourself and others I can talk to. Again Glaucoma U.K. have given me brilliant support, so huge thanks to you all 🙏roll on June, it’s my birthday in June 21st big day for the country let alone me🤣hope your ok too and any advice about cataract surgery I’d be more than grateful for! x

in reply to Sunshine8888

Hi Sunshine8888 I just want to say wow you’ve had a lot to contend with. Best Wishes for the operation on the 27th. Please let us know how you are getting on. Xx

Sunshine8888 profile image
Sunshine8888 in reply to

Thank you so much 😊 it can only get better 🤣just want it done now! Hope you are doing ok too 😘

in reply to Sunshine8888

Hi Sunshine sorry to hear you have had such a dreadful time recently I would have been in touch sooner but I didn't want to remind you of your operation if you were trying to put it to the back of your mind. I am not surprised it's being a struggle and you've not even began to tackle the actual procedure yet.My lenses were to reduce pressure and open up angles in eye and afterwards my prescription at the opticians was completely different but I still required varifocals. A certain percentage of people don't require glasses after cataract op but I guess you won't know till after your eye test.

As for driving I have no idea as I never passed a driving test just wasted thousands trying to learn 😂.

Your eye will need to be measured for new lens, I had that done a couple of weeks before actual op, it's painless you just look into a machine.

My ops were done prior to pandemic so there was no covid test but prior to my trab I had to have swab but that's all they did, they answered no questions about the actual op. With it I had a phone pre assessment asking me general questions about my health but again no questions answered about op.

The only person who told me exactly what to expect was my actual consultant and he answered all my questions.

With my cataract ops I had mine done privately so I did have a check up and my pressures taken and he made sure there was no inflammation or infection. Mine healed perfectly after both ops.

I'm surprised you aren't having a check up as I expected you would have one at 4 weeks after you finish drops,pandemic has changed everything of course. Hopefully you will heal well and won't need to but any worries at all phone hospital immediately.

Also NHS don't appear to give you enough drops for entire 4 weeks so definitely get extra from your GP long before then. I found I had too many of one lot of drops and not enough of other after my trab and talking to others that appears to be the norm.

The op itself really is over and done with so quickly, you have barely had a chance to lie down before it's over and done with. You really shouldn't feel any pain at all or see anything , you are just aware something is being done to your eyes. The eye shield is very attractive and you wear it every night for a week but I kept mine on for 2 weeks and while washing hair.

It is a thought but you need it done and like me I am sure you will do anything to keep your vision. Take care and I'm always here for support or anything you need x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to Sunshine8888

Bless you it’s all been a nightmare for you! I’m sure the op will go smoothly & you’ll come out the other side feeling relieved. I’m due to have Trab on 3rd June starting to panic more & more as time gets nearer! I keep telling myself that by September (We’ve booked a week in Wales at end of September) I shall be sitting in our holiday cottage looking at the view & enjoying a glass of wine. We will get through this & we will be OK. Take care & please do keep us posted. X

floki7 profile image
floki7 in reply to Wales99

Hi Wales99, the fear of the actual op, is far worse than the actual procedure, I was so worried, that every day I wanted to cancel, right up to an hour before I had it, I found the irritation after the op was annoying but not really painful just an ache and gritty, so good luck to you, you will be fine, honestly !

in reply to Sunshine8888

Hi Sunshine, how was the pseudoexfoliation webinar, I hope you found it helpful ? How are you feeling today ? X

Sunshine8888 profile image
Sunshine8888 in reply to

Hi Witchie it was great! Mixed news but sometimes you really need to hear it as it is! So basically quite a rare condition, causes still not understood, it can cause glaucoma to progress three times faster than other types of glaucoma. Good news op is 97% successful with the right surgeon. Like I thought the structures that hold a new lens in place can be weakened by pseudoexfoliation so the risk is trying to get the new lens to sit where it should. So I need faith in the surgeon! Not long now. Jumped in the car yesterday and drove the furthest I have done in over a year and went to Leonardslee Gardens, the Rhododendrons were in full bloom, every direction I turned there were radiant colours, to be immersed in such beauty was so healing, I didn’t think about my eyes for one second! Like you with your long walks to be at one with nature is truly magical xx

in reply to Sunshine8888

Glad webinar was so informative and now you do know exactly what you are dealing with, I would always rather know than be in the dark.On the positive side the success rate of op is amazingly high and there is no reason why you shouldn't be in the that 97%. I would imagine your surgeon will be well versed in carrying out op or he would be referring you to someone else . You just need it over and done with and be on road to recovery.That's great you had such lovely day yesterday and no eye thoughts, the gardens sound gorgeous. I agree walking and just taking in all the beauty of our surroundings helps hugely. I love visiting gardens and could really just spend all day walking around them, it is very therapeutic. Well I'm now off now with Lu for a walk on the beach x

Lovemy2woofs profile image

Sending you hugs as sound as if you need it 😊Wishing you all the very best for your forthcoming operation , keep us all updated x

Sunshine8888 profile image
Sunshine8888 in reply to Lovemy2woofs

Bless you! Thank you so much for your good wishes. Trying to get garden sorted before op ha ha so I can sit back and enjoy it! Take care of yourself as well. 😊x

Lovemy2woofs profile image
Lovemy2woofs in reply to Sunshine8888

Gardening is good take your mind off it all .I bought a couple more plants for my tubs today , I’m not great at gardening , only have small borders and tubs, I normally apologise to my plants when I buy them as some might not live lol.

Have a good weekend 😊x

Sunshine8888 profile image

Thank you for making me 😊I too apologise to my plants 🪴 however I just enjoy being outside so much. Enjoy your weekend too x

floki7 profile image

Good luck with your op, and just to confirm what Witchie346 says get an extra lot of drops , as you probably will not be given enough !

Redshoes15 profile image

Don’t worry Sunshine, I was just as worried before my trab and it isn’t nearly as bad as you think - just the thought of it. The theatre nurses are all very kind and will look after you. Once you get into a routine with the drops afterwards you just go with it. Good luck xx

Sunshine8888 profile image

Thank you for your kind support it’s really lovely knowing people are here for you in this amazing community. Take care too x

DoricQuine55 profile image

Hi SunshineI'm 13 days post cataract surgery for glaucoma like you, so hope I can reassure you some more. I was only 9 weeks from consult to op so didn't have much time to think about it!

The op itself was painless and only felt some mild discomfort the first evening when the local wore off, but helped by paracetamol.

I am very short sighted and a corrective lens was put in so I have near perfect vision now in that eye, but still need to put a contact in the other eye to function! My glasses are useless now but have an appointment with the optician in 4 weeks time.

One thing I will say is I did get a bit of flickering and flashing in the operated eye but this is quite normal post op till lens settles down but would be quite worrying if you don't know before hand and it is settling now.

Hope all goes well with you but please ask or message me if you want to know anything else?

Jennymary profile image

Hope tomorrow goes well, I'll be thinking of you x

Sunshine8888 profile image

Thanking you so much for thinking of me! Yesterday was the pre op visit and COVID test. All set to go, plenty of time in hand, got into car and every warning signal under the sun came up! Panic stricken run to the bus stop and then thought this is madness it will take 90 mins to get to the hospital and I’ll miss my appointment. Ran home and fortunately phoning around my brother was home and took me to the hospital! My eyes were so sore from being prodded for the measurement of the new lens, they couldn’t get readings for ages because I have such dry eyes. So truth be known I wouldn’t have been able to drive home! Today at last the sun is shining so first thing I’m phoning garage and then cutting the lawn, after the panic of yesterday I’m sure today and tomorrow will be a breeze! 🤣

in reply to Sunshine8888

Sunshine, that was some day you had yesterday, thankfully you did get to hospital and all ended well apart from your sore eyes. As you say sun is shining today and I think it's to be good for the rest of the week,so hopefully that's fortuitous for your op tomorrow.

I will be thinking of you and sending you hugs. X

Sunshine8888 profile image
Sunshine8888 in reply to

Thank you so much! I did wonder for a moment yesterday that the car was trying to warn me not to go! However in hindsight I should have organised transport for the pre op tests as well so it did turn out well! 24 hours and I’ll be there, another 24 hours and the op will be over and I’ll be on the path to recovery! Phoned garage re car, think I’ve found someone to repair one my boundary walls which I discovered a few days ago has cracks in! Scary thing the wall runs along public alley way. So like before it seems that I tend to have three challenges in one go! Now to cut the lawn while the sun shines! Thank you again for your support and hope all is well with you too. xx

in reply to Sunshine8888

I always look for signs too but your sign yesterday was definitely not to be driving to hospital yourself . You definitely don't just ever have one issue to contend with , car repair organised and hopefully wall repair in hand too so you can just concentrate on you. I have dry stone walls round my cottage and it's so difficult to find someone to repair them and it always costs a fortune too.

Tomorrow evening you will be resting and op all over and done with and yes starting your recovery .

All good with me, just off out with Lu for a walk along the beach. X

Sunshine8888 profile image
Sunshine8888 in reply to

You will never guess what was wrong with my car!!!!! A rodent probably a squirrel had chewed through a wire( left scratches and teeth marks) which sent the cars computer system absolutely haywire 🤣 AA did a temporary repair 🤣

in reply to Sunshine8888

No way, that wee squirrel was telling you not to drive yesterday 😋. That is weirdest thing I have heard . I hope it's not too difficult for garage to mend it properly .x

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