Help can’t get eye drops : Hi Everyone Happy... - Glaucoma UK

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Help can’t get eye drops

Sunshine8888 profile image
23 Replies

Hi Everyone Happy Easter 🐣

Due to very high pressures my consultant has tried me on dorzolamide, which unfortunately I had a bad reaction to. The latest new drop is Iopidine, which after days of trying my pharmacist says they are not able to source. It will be almost two weeks without the new drops (these are in addition to Monoprost and Timolol plus dry eye drops throughout day). I will be able to phone eye hospital on Tuesday morning to ask their advice. I’m really worried my right eye is slightly pink and I do have a pain in my head, just in one place. The head pain could be down to anxiety. Does anyone know if you can phone an A&E eye clinic? Just need reassurance that it’s ok to wait until Tuesday. I’ve lived with Glaucoma for twenty years, it’s just been recently that I’m experiencing higher pressures, headaches so am becoming quite concerned.

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Sunshine8888 profile image
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23 Replies

Hi I’m obviously new to all this as you know but I would call a and e even if it’s just a chat to put your mind at rest. You have been such a support to me I wish I could say more to you. Let me know how you get on. Take care x

Sunshine8888 profile image
Sunshine8888 in reply to

Thank you so much for replying just knowing there are people who are who understand is such a blessing 😘

Hi Sunshine,Sorry to hear you are having issues obtaining your new drops that's very stressful in itself and 2 weeks without your additional drops will be concerning.

The pain in your head could well be stress related but in conjunction with your pinkish eye I wouldn't take the chance on waiting till Tuesday without proper medical advice. It's typical everything happens on a bank holiday weekend .

I know I can phone 24 hours to the main eye hospital in my area if necessary and I assume that will be case all over the country. If not I would give NHS 24 a call and see what they advise, it's better to err on side of caution .

Reassurance before Tuesday is definitely necessary. Let me know how you get on. Let me know how you get on x

Sunshine8888 profile image
Sunshine8888 in reply to

Thank you Witchie so good to have someone to talk to who understands 😌

Jennymary profile image

As others have said I'd seek medical attention today, hopefully to be told it's OK to wait until Tuesday, good luck x

Sunshine8888 profile image
Sunshine8888 in reply to Jennymary

Thank you Jennymary really appreciate your support x

Hula48 profile image

I'd seek medical attention today too. I've had glaucoma since 1989. One thing I have learned... shut your eye and rest the tip of your forefinger on the closed lid at the top VERY GENTLY. Do Not Press!! If your eye feels pretty hard, you definitely need attention right away, if it has "give", not quite so urgent. If you have only 1 eye with glaucoma, compare them, or compare with a friend. Are there any opticians nearby, eg in a superstore, who might be able to help take your pressure? If you can say, My eye pressure is.... eg 50... you will get attention much faster. The optician may even phone the clinic for you. Can you see rainbows round lights? Another sign. So, dark glasses on, do not bend down, stay as calm as possible. With luck, if you can tell them this kind of stuff you will go straight to the Eye Dept rather than hang about in general A&E, and they will have suitable meds available. Some people get headaches and feel sick when pressures are high, but not others. And if you think you can wait till Tues, rest. Lie flat. Don't lie on that eye. Don't hang around upside down. Your brain is heavy, you don't need that weight on your eye! Good luck!

Sunshine8888 profile image
Sunshine8888 in reply to Hula48

Thank you so much for all your good advice, I am feeling calmer now and have spoken to someone, so it seems I can wait until Tuesday. Hopefully will get new drops next week. Thank you so much again x

Your local eye department should have an emergency number you can ring. I'd do that and not wait til Tuesday.

Sunshine8888 profile image
Sunshine8888 in reply to

Thank you for your support x

Beecalmed profile image

Just found your message. I’m hoping you have contacted A&E by now as this sounds like you need to get your eyes checked out ASAP. Better to be safe than sorry with glaucoma. A&E are there for this sort of situation COVID or no COVID so use them. Fingers crossed you are okay! 🤞🏻

Sunshine8888 profile image
Sunshine8888 in reply to Beecalmed

Thank you so much I’ve now spoken to someone and feel a lot calmer x

P0inteN0ire profile image

I'm sorry to hear of you difficulty in getting Iopidine.That is one of the five different types of drops which I am presently taking.

I had to wait for three days o get my prescription as they are preservative free, but my consultant advised me that if this type were not available then I should take the drops with preservative as a stop gap until the correct type was available.

Luckily there is a hospital in my area with an emergency A+E Clinic.

I hope you can find somebody to help you without these delays.

Good Luck.

Sunshine8888 profile image
Sunshine8888 in reply to P0inteN0ire

Thank you so much for replying so at least I know it is possible to get Iopidine drops. Fingers crossed for next week x

Hi Sunshine I'm pleased to see you have spoken to someone and that waiting until tomorrow is okay. Also that you are feeling a lot calmer. Hope you get on ok when you contact eye clinic and fingers crossed you finally get your eye drops this week. Take care x

Sunshine8888 profile image
Sunshine8888 in reply to

Thanks Witchie346

lswk profile image

I also was prescribed Iopidine and the preservative free version could be difficult to get from pharmacy. If you really need it preservative free, try more local independent pharmacy (I was told they used different suppliers from those large chain pharmacy. At that time Boots/Superdrug told me it was out of stock, but I managed to get it from a local pharmacy).

Last resort is to ask if you can get this eyedrop from the hospital pharmacy. You may check this with your GP, tell them your difficulty and see they can advise.

Best wish to you.

Sunshine8888 profile image
Sunshine8888 in reply to lswk

Hi thank you so much for replying. Just spoken to hospital and they are going to find out where I can get the drops from. So fingers crossed today I might have some. Thank you again

Sunshine8888 profile image
Sunshine8888 in reply to lswk

Hi Iswk hospital have told me that I have to try and source the Iopidine preservative eye drops myself, they can’t help! Can you tell where you were able to get yours? x

lswk profile image
lswk in reply to Sunshine8888

Hi Sunshine8888, really sorry to miss your message during the term break period. In case you still need the information, I am in south east england and last time I got the eyedrop from Paydens Pharmacy.

Sunshine8888 profile image
Sunshine8888 in reply to lswk

Thank you, I did try there too anyway now on new drops and awaiting surgery x

eyesong profile image

Reading the interactions about this reminds me of so many times I have worried about my pressure or getting to a Doctor or is my Medication working. Over the last 25 years I have tried to gain as much knowledge to assist my Glaucoma care and just this year I bought my own IOP reading machine. I don't use it often but it is good to know when I panic and worry I may have high pressure I can find out and not be stressed until I see a Doctor. It is a device called Diaton and I have taught my husband how to use it to read my pressure. The design does not make for self reading easily. It does not touch the surface of the eye/cornea etc. so no infection danger and no sterilization process and no touching the cornea as other do. It was not cheap as I bought it new, but I spend thousands every year on my drops and I want to know if they are working. I took the device to my checkup with one of my Doctors I see in between my Glaucoma checkups and his staff used it on me and loved it, and so did my Doctor. Both readings were almost identical so it was good to compare results. I feel better knowing I have a system to use when I am worried and can't get in for a check up. Just in case others were interested hope this helps, Thanks , Eyesong in Texas.

lswk profile image
lswk in reply to eyesong

Dear eyesong, thanks for the sharing.

This is the first time I learned about Diaton. May I check if the below link is the tonometer you are using?

Checking this Diaton tonometer it seems it can measure when the person is in supine (sleep on his back) posture.

(I have a tonometer - iCare Home, where it can only do measurement when the head is in vertical position.)

And may I check how much does it cost? It appears to be a product from US so also interested to see where it can be ordered in the UK.

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