Been putting loprox cream on it for about a week now. But it is still there. I generally shower daily and wear clean clothing.
Is this ringworm?: Been putting loprox... - Aspergillosis and...
Is this ringworm?

Any form of fungal infection including ringworm needs to be treated for several weeks to ensure the infection is eliminated. They are difficult to control and reinfection is common so see your doctor if symptoms persist.
Ringworm usually grows outward from a central point. If you noticed this type of expanding it is possible & yes it takes a long time to see results in most cases.
If this is an area where you shave, you must change or clean all your equipment with a germicidal cleanser suitable for fungus bacteria build up. They often help each other proliferate so cleaning with just an antifungal won't do.
Ask your G.P. for ketoconazole shampoo & use as a whole body wash. You can purchase this over the counter but other skin conditions should be ruled out by your G.P.
Meanwhile boost your immune system keep your body/skin temps cool & completely dry.
Also boost your B vits so that mind & body are both boosted.
Wash clothing & bedding in a product like Halo or another sportswear detergent specifically designed to deal with fungus & bacteria.
Leave your bedding opened out to dry out after sleeping.. e.g. pull the duvet back & turn daily change covers frequently.
Our body often gives us signs that something isn't right so have a blood test to see if your white cells are showing immune response to a problem.
Our skin often tells us when something is going on internally & needs attention. This is why you need to see your G.P.
So if these symptoms have appeared without you changing anything in your life, & that could be small like wearing something causing heat to the area, then please see your doc.
Peace of mind has a wonderful effect on our physical bodies & lets natural healing get on with it's job.