ABPA: does anyone have any natural ways... - Aspergillosis and...

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Bilal2911Joanne21885 profile image

does anyone have any natural ways to help treat ABPA? my husband is on prednisone and an anti fungal drug and his latest ige test came back 2,000 and his specialist was baffled :(

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Bilal2911Joanne21885 profile image
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3 Replies
Jt1948 profile image

My Ige level was 1875 but not sure now. I've been using herb extract( CBD OIL) and I think its helped me. Been using for a couple months now. May not be the answer but I feel better. I'm on 10mg prednisone and have cut it to 5 and skip a day occasionally. Was doing nebulizer and have almost stopped it. Still use a puff of Symbicor daily. ABPA is bad stuff

Never heard of it till I was diagnosed 2 years ago. Hope your husband gets better. Check it out first but it seems to have been beneficial for me.

Cataleya2018 profile image

Buna, eu incerc de cateva luni produsele nutramedix: banderol, cumanda, samento, quina , serrapeptase, pinella, algas si magneziu. Pe langa mai iau turmeric si chlorella. Nu pot sa iti spun suta la suta ca te vindeci dar eu ma simt mult mai bine. Am simtit schimbari dupa 2 zile. Am inceput cu banderol si cumanda, dupa o luna am introdus samento. La o luna dupa ce am introdus samento am inceput sa mananc. Sange apoape ca nu mai scuip, foarte putin. La quina am simtit ca cedeaza frisoanele. Tratament cu voriconazol inhalat nu mai iau de doua luni jumate. Trebuia sa fac pauza si vroiam sa vad daca simt vreo schimbare mai mare de la toate tincturile pe care le iau. Nu garantez nimanui ca e singurul remediu si ca trebuie renuntat la tratamentul sintetic, dar poti incerca pe langa medicamente sa vezi daca te ajuta. Simt schimbarea de cand iau aceste timcturi ca de la cer la pamant, eram pamantie la fata, azi apoape nu se mai vede ca sunt bolnava. La mine dovada e clara dupa ce am avut 2 operatii la plaman ultima fiind pentru aspergiloza. Si scuipam mult sange chiar si dupa operatie, in fiecare zi. la mine dovada sunt toate ct pe care le-am facut. Si o sa vad la urmatorul pe care il voi face. Ca si tine, ca si altii care nu mai stiu pe ce drum sa o apuce, am fost si eu si inca sunt. Dar sunt foarte optimista ca o sa inving boala si sunt hotarata sa ma vindec chiar daca de cele mai multe ori boala duce la deces Pentru mine nu mai au multe solutii doctorii, dar mi-am facut mie o promisiune sa imi gasesc singura solutii, vreau sa traiesc cat mai mult posibil. Si de aceea impartasesc experienta mea altora. Si eu am citit ce au facut altii.

newbly profile image

I hate to say it but if there was a "natural" way we would all be taking it instead. Prednisone and antifungals are the best we got right now and thank God they exist. The side effects are horrible but all you can do is live as healthy as possible, rest a lot and exercise if your condition allows it.

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