Has anyone had joint replacement or fusion? I'm wondering whether its worth it in the end? Specifically big toe fusion, and wrist and thumb joint fusion or replacement? I'd like to hear your experiences. Thanks
Joint replacement or fusion - Foggy's "Invisibl...
Joint replacement or fusion
this is my friends story...pamela paxman
Knee: tore ACL as a teenager then it was left on it's own for about 10 years so the surfaces ground down a lot since the knee was unstable. Then it was repaired twice surgically (ACL replacement, meniscus tears, cartilage shaved spurs removed). About 2 years ago I had a surgeon look again and he said there is no more cartilage between the bones. My only option then was to wait until it was bad enough then get a knee replacement.
Hip: Probably a result of decades of favoring the knee. told by same surgeon it most likely needed replaced due to damage of cartilage and other soft tissue
Diagnosis': 2001, Spondyl arthropathy (affecting my back the most)
2011 Osteoarthritis.
What am I doing today? Belly dancing and last year was taking a military special ops class. Is it perfect? No. I still deal with pain especially when I push it with exercise. I refuse to let it stop me.
helped my body grow back cartilage and is still healing the joints that were considered replaceable. How else can I do a deep squat or lunges to the ground with a 25 lb weight overhead? It's a miracle and I will NEVER stop taking it.