About 6 weeks ago I fell and broke a bone in my hand. I also had a very sore hip and it has got worse over the last 6 weeks it is now very painful. I have told the doctors at hospital and my own GP but they didn't seem to be bothered and they certainly didn't examine me then or last week when again I mentioned it last week at my GP's. I do have arthrites and twice had the injections in the same hip. I keep thinking I may have a broken hip.
fell hurt hip: About 6 weeks ago I fell... - Foggy's "Invisibl...
fell hurt hip
as you are concerned that your hip is still sore after this long you are within your rights to ask for an xray, although i realise that you have arthritis in your hip ( as i do ) often tho we can tell when things feel different we know. I too have had the injections and found them helpful , also if you have arthritis it is a good idea to xray and see how the joints are doing x
hi Jan
how did you get on ?
i hope they were kind and proffesional with you ?
i know from experience that jarring the hip in a fall can cause very bad pain , in fact GP advised me not to do it ! bless her she was such a brilliant GP and i didn't mean to fall off my bike ha ha
take care xx J
Well I saw another doctor a GP in the practise !! She said if your hip was broken you wouldn't walk in here. I have 2 crutches I take most of my wieght of but it still hurts like hell. I give up I was so angry I had to leave. When it doesn't get better I will go back. I have an appointment at the fracture clinic in a weeks time for my broken arm,which,is not healing!!!!
I will mention it to him and see what he says.
Thanks for all your reply's xxx