I have been diagnosed with see attached pics please.
Multiple health issues but no relief - Foggy's "Invisibl...
Multiple health issues but no relief
Hi, I'm new too. I'm sorry to hear your having such a hard time. I understand. I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, IBS, GERD, COPD, hypogammaglobulinemia, Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, Migraines, Type 2 Diabetes, and the list goes on. None of these conditions shows on the surface. I keep expecting to get yelled at when i park in a handicapped space. When the pain gets to be too much I do the best I can to distract myself. I work on a project, or read a book if I can, sometimes I just listen to the TV. I find that sometimes that lets me forget the pain for just a little while. I also try to be a glass half full kind of girl even if it's just for a sunny day. I know things can get overwhelming, that's when I turn to my support groups and rant a little. We're all here to listen and share some of the burden so you can make it through. Talk to us about how your feeling, maybe we can help.