I've had TN for 6 years now. Over this time I've taken Gabapentin, Amytriplin & Carbamenzapine. All have roughly the same side effects which are tiredness, foggy brain, unable to pronounce words, dizziness and a few more. Carbamenzapine is the only one that has helped me until April this year when I had severe attacks and could not eat or drink. Which resulted in me being admitted to the hospital to be hooked up to saline and Phenytolin. This is a heavy medication. I was given a high dose obviously to calm down the nerve which gives you hallucinations & unable to walk. I was out of hospital 3 days later with a prescription to take a lower dose of phenytolin for a short period of time. Only take this if you can't take it anymore and it's only for a short time as it really does effect your daily life. Next stage for me is talking with the Neuro Surgeon about procedures. I'm asking if anybody has had a procedure and what was the result.
Keep thinking positively and don't let your spirit drop.
Fellow sufferer