It's hard to stay energised! Does anyone know if acupuncture works for it? I'm done with feeling this way and like you (most likely) have tried everythingggg imaginable to help it. Knowing the one day that you don't feel tired you dread because you'll feel soooo happy and use as much energy as possible because you feel grateful not to be in that depressed state... knowing the next days will hit home hard... arghhhhh acupuncture anyone???
Chronic fatigue 4 years: It's hard to... - Foggy's "Invisibl...
Chronic fatigue 4 years
Acupuncture is so good for many things but have not used it for fatigue. Diagnosing and correctly treating my thyroid sorted the fatigue. Also optimal levels of B12 - Folate - Ferritin & VitD support good health so have you had them tested ? Happy to help 😊
Hey I have had everything tested. The only thing that was low was my vit D which they said is normal for living in the UK. My sister has underactive thyroid and I just have CFS it's horrible but I guess I've come to terms with it...
Sadly the NHS rarely do the FULL testing for Thyroid. I have been a member of Thyroid UK here on HU with over 80,000 members so often read of situations like yours. You are legally entitled to have copies of all your test results so you can monitor your own health and see what has been missed. Also all surgeries should have results on-line so you could ask.
How low was your VitD ? It should be over 100. B12 good at over 500 & Folate and Ferritin need to be mid-range.
Thyroid Tests : TSH - FT4 - FT3 & Thyroid antibodies - TPO & TG to rule out Hashimotos. LOW T3 is often involved with CFS.
Have you read Dr Myhills website ?
No I haven't but you're full of very useful information. I will definitely get it looked at and go to you for some wisdom on results. What's on the website?
Hi danni. I too have ME/ cfs after contracted meningitis almost 2 years ago. Its horrendous. Im just wondering have u ever tried ldn low dose naltrexone. Im trialing it at the minute with slight improvment
Just read your post on the Fertility Forum. Not sure if this helps but low thyroid and LOW B12 are involved with infertility ...
Yeah I’m about to start acupuncture 3 times a week plus herbs fingers crossed it helps