I need support is there one that has non diabetic neuropathy?or has had a bladder sling with mesh
Pain 24 7. Neuropathy pudendal neural... - Foggy's "Invisibl...
Pain 24 7. Neuropathy pudendal neuralgia ic pelvic floor damage

Yes, I have ! I am trying to backtrack when the neuropathy started and thinking it was after the surgery. Have it in both feet , have had every test and no known cause . Going crazy !
I have it in both feet from nerve damaged caused by Cauda Equina, its getting me down at the moment as its disturbing my sleep. I have nerve pain tablets but need to sort it with my consultant who I see once a year for life from the Spinal Injury Unit. Don't go until May, my GP is next to useless.
Sounds a bit like me. I had a hyster with double repair and since then i have suffered many varying symptoms. Luckily they found i was b12 deficient, possibly exacerbated by the nitros used during the op. So its worth asking your gp for bloods including b12 to rule it out if nothing else.
They checked b12. Mths ago it was low normal i take 500mg b12 once a day ii had bladder sling complications mesh was taken out this past jully they think i have nerve damage in both arms
Do you think the nitros could be a cause ? I wondered if it was the actual sling surgery and the location of the sling pinching something. B12 is fine .
Whats nitros? I have fibromyalgia and pudendal neuralgia the mesh messed the body up
Nitros oxide if used to knock you out for the surgery.
Depends what your b12 levels actually are. Many poeple are told that all is fine when in fact they are not or are in what is considered the grey area where poeple get symptoms but the 'numbers' are within accepted range.
Do you have physical copy of your blood tests. If you are concerned you could put a post onto the pernicious anemia forum and they will no doubt try to help you.
I done damage to pelvic area 33years ago have suffered with constant nerve damages since also noticed last couple weeks been getting cold feet & also they feel as if they are getting pulled, also suffer with headaches backache, but that's what worries me most now is the passing of urine & diabetes , pointless going to surgery as all doctors are trainees.