Hi my 2y old daughter has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy can anyone tell me if it has anything to do with my autoimmunitys or Graves’ disease as I would love to have another child but don’t want to inflict anything onto a child and hope I’ll be in a better place physically to try again but am worried and feel so so guilty that I did this to my daughter 😔
Could my illnesses have caused my chi... - Foggy's "Invisibl...
Could my illnesses have caused my child’s cerebral palsy?

Hello, for years I worked with children with Cerebral Palsy. I can assure you there are hundreds, maybe thousands of families who have a child with CP who's brothers and sisters don't. Some families even have twins where one is CP and the other isn't. So don't imagine for one moment that your beautiful little girl's condition is your fault. My own brother has 3 children, one was diagnosed with CP (the youngest) while the others were unaffected. Talk to her consultants about what she can be capable of. Enjoy every moment of her life, and as she grows, concentrate on her education.

Thankyou so so much you don’t know what it means to hear🙏Thank you. And you obviously do fantastic rewarding work your words are most appreciated ❤️
You are more than welcome dear. I is/was very rewarding work. I'm retired now, but have such wonderful memories.
The advice from poemsgalore1 sounds good. If you look on the internet there is a lot of information on cerebral palsy and information on local support groups. It might help to meet other mums in a similar position.
I agree that would be nice tho we now live in Exmoor, from south east London so there isn’t anything close by enough especially if I’ve crashed with all the crappy autoimmune bull on top— it’s a two an hlf hrs drive away to the nearest functional hospital 🙈