I an new to this site I have Peripheral Neuropathy I am not a diabetic nor over weight. I was given Lyrica for my stabbing pain cold feet and hot legs and swelling mostly in left leg, if I spend to much time on my legs, they are either hot to touch or cold up to my knees. It worked at first and I was on the highest dose 300mg morning 300 at night. Currently I am 75mg twice a day 150. I am staying on this dose as I have Temporal lobe Epilepsy, as I found out it works well with epilepsy.
Stay ahead with Progressive ideas. I ... - Foggy's "Invisibl...
Stay ahead with Progressive ideas. I made up at juice I take every day I call it My Green Machine and it is working for me.

Have a look at Alpha lipotic acid and neuropathy there is a fair bit online and especially you tube. Also a really good probiotic is thought to help, if you are into fermenting kifer is great, milk or water variety. B. x x
I will check it out badger4218 and let you know. I have other medical problems besides dealing with p.a.
Hi 300 mg of Lyrica is double the recommended daily dose, 75mg twice daily is far better.
Have you tried taking Duloxatine at night? I've had neuropathic pain for 18yrs now and it was triggered by having a stroke (I was 36yrs old at the time) and left me in pain all down the right hand side of my body. I'm a type 1 diabetic and have been one for 41yrs.
Along with the Nerve agents I'm also on oxycontine 40mg twice a day (which I'm now trying to reduce ) and I'm fully addicted to opioid pain killers.
I find the medication has left me with a few side effects, fatigue, constipation, tinnitus and lack of consertration.
I'm writing this as a warning about the meds we're given, yes they may work but if they don't you'll find it a struggle to come off them. . . The opioids are a doddle compared to the Nerve meds. Duloxatine I found to be so bad,after only a week at a higher dose 90mg getting it down to 60mg was like putting your head in a microwave with shooting thunderbolts bouncing through your brain. The headaches and pain were worse than the Nerve pain but lowering the dose reduced several side effects with the same pain relief properties.
Take the meds but be aware of the side effects and read the pamphlet that comes with them before you take them. . . . You may think twice before you start them or ask the pharmacist for some non bias advice.
Sorry if I've scared you , I'm just trying to make you aware of the unwanted effects some of the meds we're given so freely and how easily they can change from a blessing to a curse.
I no longer take Lyrica currently I take Targin 20mgs twice a day, but cut that down to 20mgs. I always read an look up side effects to all pills. So you don't scare me as I research everything, but thanks anyway.