Hi everyone, i dont know if anyone can answer this but i thought id try. I suffer from peripheral neuropathy and back on the 6th january 2014 i was attacked at work (im a senior carer) my left arm bared the brutn of the attack and i have been off work ever since. i have been recieving treat this whole time and start physio again on friday (30th may) im also waiting to see a specialist. My problem is that i cant afford to stay off work much longer and myself and my husband are staruggling with our bills, so much so that we dont turn the heating on and i refuse to use my car and walk everywhere even if its miles that i need to go as im terrified of wasting what little money we do have. My doctor has said that my arm is nowhere near strong enough for me to return work and returning too early could make things worse. i applied for personal independent payment back in february and today i find out that my assessment for this wont come through until september. Im really stuck with what to do, any help or advice will be much appreciated, please dont send me any harsh/mean comments as i really dont need it right now. Thank you x
Between a rock and a hard place. - Foggy's "Invisibl...
Between a rock and a hard place.
Hi Laura , e are never harsh or mean just caring so I sending you an enormous fluffy cuddle to help you feel better.
Dreaful luck about your arm is it still on the improve ? I do hope its strength will return and you manage to et back to work as soon as you possibly can.
Good luck take care an you must be careful understand the need for money but your health is just so important.
Best wishes
Hi Laura,so sorry to hear of your dilemma.poor girl,I do feel for you.Not being in the UK,I cant advise you about payments etc.(I live in Aus.) I do hope someone maybe more helpfull!
That does not sound right to me,have you fully investigated,what happens in between? Or could you be put on light duties at work?
I do hope someone pops up with a bit more help for you,but as gins said,you must look out for yourself,& not make things worse!
I also have neuropathy,besides Copd,so I can sympathise with you,
Best of luck,let us know how you get on,gentle hugsWendells xxx
I feel for you hun.i worked for the nhs and was attacked at work.i got the blame and because of pain issues am not well enough to go back to work.Are you claiming ESA for long term sickness?your husbands wages shouldn't come into it.The money is crap but its better than nothing.you will also need a medical for this but i have waited 8 months for mine.I know its easy to say this but please try not to worry too much about this as you will end up with mental health issues as well.don't go back to work until your arm is better or you will end up back on the sick soon enough.I wish you all the best babe.
I have diabetic neuropathy in my feet,legs and arms and i only heard about this benfo yesterday.none of my diabetic carers have ever mentioned it.i will do some more research but i have to say if it works i will be getting some as i hate the pain and burning in my feet and pregabalin has stopped working for me