Please help me with my problem - Foggy's "Invisibl...
Please help me with my problem
Appeal Leona!! Appeal!! Most applicants win their appeal. I'm in the WRAG and had my interview last Friday. As my local Jobcentre has closed i had to travel 6 miles. The walk from the car park to the building was very difficult for me, but Kim, my interviewer was very, very nice. She remarked how ridiculous it was to expect me to attend these interviews, and I will have a telephone interview in the future. I told her I felt I should be in the Support group but she told me not to be too bothered about which group I was in as she was not going to look for a job for me, as, in her own words - it just ain't gonna happen!!! Have you contacted your local CAB, or Welfare Rights Advisor at your local council?? I did, and they are soooo helpful!! Good luck, please let us know how you get on, and do have a good Christmas. XXXX
Leona, l was appalled to read your letter, defininately you should appeal this decision. Please contact your nearest citizens advice bureau or disability charity who know exactly what to do on these circumstances and can handle the paperwork and deal eith dwp on you husbands behalf . If you can get a letter of support from your doctor, it will help as decisions will automatically be reconsidered when you appeal and can even be overturned in yourhusbands favour st this point. All the best, i hope 2014 is much kinder to you both.
Hi Leona, just been catching up on posts and noticed yours. It sounds to me like your husband should not be working, or if so it should be sheltered. I agree appeal, my daughter is epileptic and she had to appeal on several occasions. Most of your husbands illnesses are unpredictable, but you need to go on interactions of more than one illness when he appeals, because that is what effects his daily living in respect of DLA claims or PIP. The system is very unfair and most disabled have to fight to be recognised as such, please keep up your fight and appeal, I am sure their are agencies more than willing to help you even the local councils have benefits sections to help the less able to claim their rights, I am not naïve I know it's not easy I have been that way myself on more than one occasion, and the new rules beggar belief however you have my best wishes and good luck.