the dwp wrote to my doc advising not to give me any more certs.i knew nothing about this i only found out because i got copies of my med records to prepare for dla tribunal im also appealing a esa decision,i have small fibre axonal nueropathy
is it okay for the dwp to write to my... - Foggy's "Invisibl...
is it okay for the dwp to write to my doctor advising her not to give me any more medical certs
WOW, I had no idea they could do this, but I'm guessing they can!!
I don't know the answer, but I wish you GOOD LUCK with it all.
Take Care.
That seems totally wrong. Too much interference by non- medicals. I have never heard of this before. No answers for you but fingers xed for a good outcome.
This is the way I feel, and they shouldn't be in any position to tell a medical professional what to do. It's outrageous. But, this appears to have happened, and does therefore, make you wonder what sort of powers the dwp really have! I was just so shocked, and I see you appear that way too.
I am sure it is all to do with money. I am in the happy position of being retired and have been given mobitity allowance for life. Tho would rather not have chronic multi joint osteo arthritis. Am trying now get help for family members. One has throat cancer, the other just been dianosed with dementia. Both in much worse position than me. I wonder if there is a charity to help you? You seem to have lot to contend with one appeal already. Can't help but think your GP would be very happy being told what to do. Keep in touch there are lots of us rooting for you. X
my sons dr were told not to send any more medical certs after his 13 week assessment period. they said they didn't need them any more and he continues to get his ESA and DLA.
same as my daughter only needed to have hers in the assessment period and then told by dr that the DWP said they didn't need them any-more/ she gets ESA ( work group but work advisor said they cant do anything for her!! asked to appeal but heard nowt) and DLA ( appealing and awaiting tribunal date)
Never heard of this before, it's a very worrying situation. Have you contacted CAB? they can get you an initial consult with a solicitor free of charge who would be able to advise you
How awful for you! I have not heard of this happening before but like speedqueen9, I would suggest visiting the C.A.B. They have helped me enormously over the years, with financial advice and help and also completing the DLA forms. Even appealing against their decision on one occasion and winning it for me.
let us all know the outcome, but DO get to the C.A.B asap. Good luck.
I had exactly the same thing happen to me, only my GP was good enough to show me the letter from the DWP before chucking it in the bin. I dare say the DWP has pulled this stunt with many claimants, but not all GP's tell their patients about this.