Please help. There are so many to choose from. Any advice would be appreciated. I need them for typing, using mouse, driving mostly. But also brushing hair, teeth, eating, holding a book etc. I think ones with the metal bar in?
Please help. There are so many to choose from. Any advice would be appreciated. I need them for typing, using mouse, driving mostly. But also brushing hair, teeth, eating, holding a book etc. I think ones with the metal bar in?
Mine were measured for, at a hospital appointment, to make sure they were correct. Might be worth contacting your GP, to see if they know where you can get one to suit you. If not the doctor, you could speak to the practice nurse, and they might be able to help. You'll need these to fit properly, and to give the right amount of support, without cutting off your blood supply! (joking), so it would be best to get professional help with them. Good Luck.
Thanks. I was hoping the OT would provide advice but all she said was - the ones I had we're better than the ones she would make for me. So I suppose I've answered my own question, I'll get more of the same , as these ones are wearing out!
I use splints for thumb and wrist joints. Used to have them moulded by the occupational therapy at local hospital. Due to the distance to travel and the long wait for appointments I now buy my own. Have to admit the hospital ones were more comfortable for me personally. How ever I have found one quite reasonable in price and easy to put on on the Amazon web site. They have a large variety, at varied prices so worth a look.Hope this is of help to you
Thanks. The surgeon has given me thumb spica splints to wear 23 1/2 hours a day for a month. They help a lot whilst wearing them but its still pretty painful when I take them off. Only two weeks along though, so I'll see what it's like at 4 weeks.